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Money Making In the Early Stages

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:14 pm

Money Making In the Early Stages

Hello All! I have just taken the exciting step into the Freelancer galaxy. I've completed one or two missions for the Liberty Security Force, and I'm looking for some advice...

What are some recomended methods for making money in the early stages? I've tried buying boron at Planet Pittsburg and taking it to Manhattan to sell, but that's only 35 credits profit per unit of Boron, and I can only haul 20 units in my Starflier (which I start out with). So I'm wondering if anyone can recomend anything to me. I don't yet have jump capabilities, so I'm stuck in the New York System, at least for now.

If this is inappropriate for this forum, I apologize, I read the "First Time Posters Read this" post and tried a forum search, but the search seemed to be down at the moment. Also, I read through the posts seeking the information, and nothing jumped out at me. I also looked in the FAQ, and only general info was presented.

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've contsructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignifigant next to the power of the force."

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:37 pm

Go to the bar and find a job. It is a lot less time consuming than hauling stuff around for just a few bucks... Later when you open some other systems you will be able to make a lot more money by trading commodities.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:40 pm

Alright, sweet, the Bar. I'll give that a try as soon as I get home from friggin' work!!! Aggghh!! I can't wait to get home and resume play and actually make it somewhere!

"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've contsructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignifigant next to the power of the force."

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:47 am

If you want just money, you have to pick your missions carefully. While several missions might have the same difficulty rating and pay about the same, it's a lot easier and more economical to specialize in "go to point X and kill the group of generic ships" than it is to assassinate or capture specific guys. What you want are missions you can handle with guns alone, so you don't blow part of your payment on ammo and shield batteries afterwards.

While you're still in Liberty space, the best place to for this type of mission is Norfolk (or is it Newport?) Shipyard in the New York system. This place offers a lot of difficulty 2-3 missions that pay $3-4k and often have AI wingmen with you from the beginning. These are easiest money in Liberty. You get paid a bit more in Texas and Colorado, but you have more expenses, it takes longer, and you're more likely to get jumped on the way home or while docking/launching afterwards. The other places in New York offer only level 1-2 missions that pay only $2-2.5k.

However, you'll also want some better gear than you can buy in stores, like Rogue Drails, Xeno Scorpions, and Junker Barragers. While you occasionally stumble across these on the "kill the generic ships" missions, the best way to find a lot of them is to take missions where you have to kill/capture a specific guy. This target is kinda like a mini-boss who usually drops a few good weapons. Even if you don't need them, you can sell a pair of Drails for $1100 so that makes the whole mission more profitable. But New York only has Junkers and Rogues as targets for these missions. If you want Xeno toys, go to Colorado or Texas.

So my advice is to go to Norfolk Shipyard and get rich on their missions, buying the best ship and stock/Rogue/Junker gear you can get. Then go to Colorado and assassinate a few Xenos for even better gear, although maybe no real net money. Then back to Norfolk for a big pile of money before going to see Juni for your level 5 mission . Trust me, you'll need a PILE of money for that one


In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:34 am

one thing you can do is mine for silver in Colorado. You'll also be killing lots of xeno's if you stay on the west side of Silverton field. Xeno's fly mostly starfliers with some startrackers in Colorado. One thing you can do starting out is to patrol with Navy/bounty hunters and mine when they get into a fight w/ xeno's. That or sit at a trade lane ring and keep it disabled while mining. That way, everyone stranded there is an instant wingman when trouble comes your way. Silver sells for 700 to 713 on the habited planets in the California system. Its a good jumpstart to a career. And killing Xeno's help your rep with all factions in Liberty, and many outside of it. Good hunting!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:09 am

Thanks very much, all for the advice, I am already trying the missions from Norfolk Ship yards, and will attempt the mining silver/hunting xenos soon. Thanks for the tips!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:17 am

but doesnt disabling a trade lane make it hostile towards you?

"Man I am so high right now... i have no idea whats goin' on..." - Towely

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:27 am

Early on in the game, I'd definitely recommend find part of a system where lots of big freighters go by carrying high-priced commodities, buying yourself a freighter and hijacking some tradelanes.

but doesnt disabling a trade lane make it hostile towards you?

Yes, but only the one section you shot at, and only temporarily. And its lasers aren't much of a threat to your ship, especially if you hotlane.

-Nogana Naishi
[email protected]

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:52 am

I have found its much better to not do the missions. they are always for the bad guys, and its a pain getting jumped all the time. Its also seems to be alot easier to bribe good guys. there are hardly any bribes for the bad guys.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:35 am

I tried making money in just the New York system, while I had the demo, and it is possible with a very simple trading route.

Pittsburg (Boron) <-> Fort Bush (Consumer goods / pharmaceuticals)

It's an extremely boring route. But it's also a very quick turnaround thing. If you buy a Rhino quick, and fill it up, you can make a consistent profit.

Consumer goods are what you buy when you're poor, pharmaceuticals after you're rich and can fill your cargo bay.


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:37 am

Ooh, I almost forgot about this. A quick way to make around $30,000 early in the game:

In the California system, there's a shipwreck (marked as a red X on the map) that's full of Cardamine (around 20 units, if I recall). If you can make it to New York without the police scanning you, you can sell it off for some big bucks. (You can also sell it right in California or most other Liberty systems for half that if you're not the adventurous type.)

-Nogana Naishi
[email protected]

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