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Too many "where-can-I-buy/find" threads

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:02 pm

Too many "where-can-I-buy/find" threads

I'm generally not a complainer, but there is just an enormous amount of threads discussing locations about purchasing rare vehicles and equipment. Not that this is really too annoying (I could easily choose to stop browsing), but seeing how easy it was for people to make interactive starmaps (even though they're not complete, this is a great start), I can't help but think of the success a database would bring. Does anyone work with MySQL or something similar? I can't imagine that this would be terribly difficult. Have a list of systems, a list of planets/stations within the system, the faction(s) they represent, the commodities/equipment/ships sold at the planet/station, the price of the commodities/equipment/ships, and information on each commodity, each upgrade, and each ship (such as armor, mounting details, a maneuverability rating?). All of these elements would be interlinked (the very nature of SQL), and browsing would be simple and defeat the need to post on the "spoiler" forum about where to buy certain very heavy fighters, or where to find class-10 shields. If someone would take the time to do this, I, and I'm sure I speak universally, would greatly appreciate it (even though I've found everything ), and perhaps the spoiler forum could do it's real job, which to me is not answering simple questions like that. I always thought the purpose of the "spoiler" would be to either reveal twists in the single player plotline, or to reveal locations about hidden jump holes or disaster sites, like the Flint, Patrol 27, the Viking, etc. I get pretty irritated when I see 7 different threads asking. "OMG I watn 2 buy teh SABRE where is omircn alfpha plz???// thxu"

Well, I said I'm generally not a complainer, but I do have my limits

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:40 pm

Well there's already a ship list here ... er&M=False and it's made a sticky thread but people don't ever pay attention. To go along with that we need a list of weapons with stats divided into Tachyon, Neutron, Particle etc. and listed from class 1 to 10 and where to find them. This will only work however if everyone that visits here pays attention to the sticky threads.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:21 am

I was planning on making lists on all other equipment to match up with my ships one, but so far have not really gotten enough of them to start...been too busy to actually play lately.

Pyrate Dredd

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:14 am

That's disgusting! Too busy to play freelancer? Sacrilege!!!

More seriously tho' I agree that a list of different weapons and where they can be bought would be useful. I don't worry so much about the cargo stuff as whenever you're at a base you can find out what stuff to buy and where is best to sell it, but there is nowehere in game to remind yourself of where you can buy we could do with info on how friendly you need to be with a particular faction to be able to buy that weapon as that's what's killing me now ... balancing those factions so I can buy some fairly decent weapons and shields...

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:08 am

a list of weapons,miss,shields,turrets would sure b good.

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