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Opinions on heavy ships

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:23 pm

Opinions on heavy ships

Ok, my repute is horrible with the Outcasts ... While I've read that you can rebuild your repute with them by killing a scheißelast of Xenos, I need a heavier ship to tango with them.

I'm aiming for the Saber, but untill I can get the reputation up I'm not going to get one. I also don't want to spend the $$$ on an Eagle only to have to spend another 1/2 mil on the Saber.

So what I'm planning to do, is buy a heavy ship and kill me some Xenos and go from there. But, what is the best heavy ship?? I've listed some of the models below and would like your opinions.



Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:56 pm

For single player purposes, I suppose the simplest bet would be the one with the most nanobot slots.

But that's for heavy "potion"-using monkeys like myself.
I always used to run dry of the 15 nanobots slots on one of those early ships.
For comparison, the 71 nanobot slots on the Titan were always more than enough.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:10 pm

I would recommend the Barracuda, its what I am using now in sp missions. I had the Bretonian heavy fighter, can't remember the name, and it sucked. Barracuda is better in the numbers and alot more manuverable. I really want an Eagle though.

Buckle up and hold on to your mud.

Edited by - Tocole on 10-03-2003 21:11:13

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:33 pm

@fds I tend to use a lot of potions myself on some cargo runs. Usually waiting in queue for a damn jump gate to open up. Although my freighter has some mean turrets that make the pirates wish they picked a different fight.

@Tecole - TY for the help Brodie. My last save game is at the planet in Cortez, so I think I'll make me a purchase of it.

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