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Peace w/ Outcasts?

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:01 pm

Peace w/ Outcasts?

OK, first off, I'm trying to get the Sabre. The only place I THINK I can get it at is Omicron Alpha from the Outcasts. The Outcasts absolutely HATE me! So how do I get on their good side? Like, I know... bribe them... but I haven't found a place where I can do that... any ideas? Can I just smite their enemies to increase my rep w/ them? Is there another faction that sells the Sabre?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:43 pm


Yes, you can shoot the Xenos... I need to shoot about 40 - 45 xenos shops near detroit munitions/new york to make them neutral to me. But I have still some probs with them.. look my post.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:17 pm

yes you can shoot a crap load of xenos out in the detroit munitions or you can kill a bunch in the colorado mining field... i personally prefer the mining field because rocks get hit in the cross-fire and some of them provide silver so you kill xenos and get silver.... not a bad deal in my opinion, by killing xenos you make a lot of groups neutral-ally with you but its slow, the other benefit is if you know a really good trade route across systems then you take all of those trade lanes and hardly any ships will fire at you (with exception to corsairs, mollys, xenos, etc) however if its something like the rogues or the outcasts and you stop in the trade lanes its not because they are firing at you its because the trade lane is firing at them lol, so if you know any real good trade routes across systems then being neutral-ally with the most groups is a good idea

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:03 pm

I'm neutral with the Xenos. Do they offer anything cool/useful before I go and start killing them??

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:15 pm

the more easier way in my opinion is to buy it from the red hessians in their base in Dresden System, vogtland Base is it where you get the sabre ...


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:56 pm

Well, just got to Bretonia in SP and ran mission 5 for Juni. Hit level 10. Went to Liberty and set up shop at the California->Magellan gate. Anything in the area aligned with Liberty "good" guys and not having any faction ties outside Liberty space was introduced to vacuum. Then, being neutral to Outcasts and friendly to Hackers, bought me a Dromedary freighter at Mactan.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:03 pm

You can also go to the luxury liner in Sigma 19 and pay a bribe to the bartender to increase your standing with the outcasts.

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