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faction bug!? still neutral to outcast/rogue but hostile to

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:01 pm

faction bug!? still neutral to outcast/rogue but hostile to

Hi there,

well I'm a little dissapointed... I shot Xenos for hours just to get neutral with Rogues and Outcasts...

But as I try to approach Buffalo or Mactan Base they turn from white to red immidiately at approx. 4 km's!?!?!?

Why? Am I not neutral enough? It's about the very last red scale before getting hostile with outcasts and rogues. Should I shot more Xenos or is this just time wasting???? I dont want to bribe, because I dont want any other faction going down with my reps. First I was only neutral to rogues approaching buffalo and it turns red... then I thought the problem is that i'm not neutral to rogues allies the outcasts... so I shoot me neutral with the outcasts but still same effect... as above written.

Bundschuh seems to be the only faction that cares about shooting the Xenos, because its the only faction that turns from neutral to hostile during my i-shoot-me-friendly-with-nearly-everyone-session

I want to buy the dromedary freighter and have to land on Mactan. Well yes, I know about the Humpback, but I want that dromedary

Can anyone help?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:41 pm

oh forgot... I'm neutral with the lane-hackers too of course as mactan base is a lane-hackers base. But still the same probs... approaching.. and boom... turning hostile.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:06 pm

There's two things you should try:

- sometimes the list shows them as neutral (white), while they are only barely there and almost hostile. Get them away from hostile just a little bit more, like until you can see a thin black line in that part of the alignment meter. I can't quite explain it well but I think you'll get the point.

- Save your game, quit back to the main menu, reload, try it then.

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