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Is the Anubis forced down your throat?

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:08 am

Is the Anubis forced down your throat?

Hi all:
I have a question regarding the Anubis and its place along the misson timeline. In between doing missions, I use freighters and knowledge of good tradelanes (obtained herewith) to save up a lot of money. I am now about to start misson 8 (the one about ambushing and getting that tome) and I want to fly to Omicron theta to buy myself an Eagle. My only concern is that I have heard that in the later missions you get the Anubis. Does this mean you have a once in a lifetime chance to purchase it or literally replaces your current ship? Because I do not want to go to the trouble of obtaining an Eagle right now only to loose it several missions later. Can someone please clarify this for me? Thanks in advance.

That which does not kill us, makes us stranger.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:18 am

You won't have a high enough level to buy the Eagle.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:24 am

Actually I do. I made a mod which removes level requirements from everything in the game. I did this because after playing Earth and Beyond for 50+ hours, item restrictions make me want to retch. It seems like a cop-out to me from a design standpoint to insert item restrictions to forcibly limit a player's power. There are much better ways to accomplish this. Regardless, if you want to call me a cheater for it go ahead. But I have spent 20 hours running boring trade routes in a drone to work up the money to buy the Eagle so I've paid my dues. Anyway, thanks for your reply but you didn't answer my question.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:30 am

Under the assumption that you wouldn't be able to purchase an Eagle, I didn't need to.

You don't have to buy the Anubis. It's just there if you want it.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:30 am

you dont need to buy it. its not really forced down your throat to buy it. its just there for those who havent been able to buy a decently armoured/shielded ship.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:36 am

Thank you all very much for your quick responses! Now I can go out and try out that Eagle I've heard so much about. Thanks again!

That which does not kill us, makes us stranger.

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