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Neutral/Friendly to all factions IS possible.

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:01 am

Neutral/Friendly to all factions IS possible.

I know this is a common question so I thought I should start a new thread with the subject telling it all. After much hard work balancing the killing of certain factions enemies and tactical bribes in the right places I now have every faction in the game neutral or friendly to me (with the exception of the Nomads of course). It's nice to have a totally neutral save game because then you can branch off of it in any direction with much less effort if you want to go full pirate or full bounty hunter or align however you wish. It also makes it nice if you just want to spend some time mining and trading with no fear of getting mauled. So many have asked, and the answer is yes it is possible to have no hostile factions. I have the screenshot if anyone doesn't believe it heh

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:45 am

Lets see the sceen shot.. and pass that save game too!


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:51 am

Nice, you just beat me to it.

I've been working on the same thing too, after the conversation in the other thread.

I now have the Hessians down to neutral (which were my former hostiles), only the bounty hunters got angry in the process and are two small pixels away from back to neutral...

So I'll have to work on that a bit.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:53 am

Ok here you go, you'll notice the scroll bar is all the way at the top so there are no factions hiding above there, they are barely neutral but nonetheless I am neutral/friendly to everyone. I have all systems found plus the two unknowns but I still have to go through and maps all the jump holes and such that are remaining. I'm only level 34 also so I'm not even maxed out or fully explored yet, but it will be much easier with no hostiles hehe.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:52 am

Nice, but where you're wrong is in the thinking that you're absolutely safe on those trade runs.
Neutral "criminals" will sometimes try to shake you down for your cargo when you come out of a jump hole, popping up a dialog box just like when cops tell you to dump your Cardamine or Artifacts. :p

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:50 am

Lol! Sorry to rain on your parade, but I just achieved Neutral/Friendly with all factions, without even trying.

I just finished all the SP missions, at lvl 34 since I had a net worth of 1.4 million, figured I should try to get in good with the Outcasts again to get a Sabre (since now they were hostile, the game having reset all my faction relations). Well I went to Yanagi depot on my way to get Sunslayers (and didn't kill anyone on the way), dropped in the bar a few times for two no strings attached Zoner bribes, getting them to full green reputation. Then, I figured while I was there, I might as well get a Junker bribe. Went back between the bar and equipment dealer a few times, finally got a 90k Junker bribe and... boom! All factions neutral/friendly. Getting friendly with the Junkers affected the Xenos, Hogosha and ...I think Bounty Hunters (?) a bit madder... -However-... Junkers are enemies of -ALL- house corporations. Making them a bit less friendly just bumped my relations with the all the criminal factions that I was hostile to just -barely- neutral, but hey, it works

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:03 am

You can't become neutral/friendly to all factions without trying, please revise your post. And if I ever get asked to drop cargo I just keep going full cruise and land in the nearest place. Take off again and they are gone and back to normal.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:43 am

nice work. but for me i love having the factions friendly or hostile towards me. its excitement. i dunno how to explain but its more fun for me.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:48 am

Y'know what I say to all that? KILL 'EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT!


Rogue Squadron: The True Force in the Galaxy!

Edited by - Rogue Leader on 10-03-2003 05:48:14

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 6:01 am

I admit it is more fun being aligned and having enemies, I just wanted to see if it was possible. It also makes for a good neutral save game so I can branch off of that into different career paths and different save games.

Like keep that one always then have a:

Bounty Hunter Path save game
Full Pirate save game
Tradesman save game
etc. etc., makes it easier to go different ways with a neutral save game to start from.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:44 pm

Ok, not exactly not trying, but I was only intentionally trying to become friendlier with the Junkers and Zoners, with everything else as a side effect.

And since I accidentally made peace with all the factions, you should challenge yourself to see if it is possible to have relations with all factions -at or above- 0 (the middle point of the relation bar).

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:06 pm

All above the halfway mark is impossible, getting the final few barely neutral is hard enough.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:33 pm

Okay, I now have my all neutral / friendly state too. Seeing this isn't deemed such a hot property any more, I'll refrain from posting a screenshot or a save game, but it's available if anyone needs it. I just won't nominate myself for the special achievements award.
I have 172 bases visited (actually landed upon, so all the details are available when for example looking for commodity prices), which is all as far as I know, except if there are any bases after the unknown (nomad) jump gates, which I've yet to explore fully.

I've got to say it was by no means easy, so Zyrxil should be damned pleased to have gotten it so easily. I have the Zoners friendly too, being friendly with Junkers would outrage a lot in my game though.

My simple example: I wanted to get the Bounty Hunters back from barely hostile to just neutral. I then looked for pirate factions where I could afford a little bit of hatred. The Bundschuch was my first choice. A bad one, as it turned out - killing them outraged the Red Hessians.

After reloading, I went after the Liberty Rogues. Interestingly enough, it seems the Unioners (a Rheinland faction) are allies of the Liberty Rogues. They raced to their help and my alignment with the Unioners dropped even though I only fired upon the Rogues.
In another interesting twist, while killing the Rogues seemingly didn't matter to the Bretonia Mollies, losing my friendliness towards the Unioners made the Mollies hostile. Sigh.

On to some missions for the Unioners, getting some shipping companies and the Liberty Navy to like me less. Mollys back to neutral, Bounty Hunters back to hostile. Double sigh.

I have then finally got the right idea and went after the Xenos. The Bounty Hunters were pleased and no one else seemed to bother at all. Even the Xenos themselves didn't get too pissed off. Poor fellas. Just a bit later I noticed an interesting battle going on (all the while I was just observing as neutral) - Xenos killing Xenos. At least there were no ships other than Xenos around, and they were firing wildly, certainly not at me, but at each other.
So, when they say the Xenos hate just about everyone, they mean it.


Anyway, I'm at a point in the game where I do enjoy having no hostiles and wouldn't want it any other way. I do not find it fun any more to have silly little ships attacking me and bother with them. They can hardly make an impression on my shields, yet they would still slow me down greatly by killing my cruise engines if I didn't bother taking them out.

I guess about the only thing left for me is some more exploring, particularly all the shipwrecks and their loot that I missed, and fighting in the unknown worlds.

And for that, it is rather beneficial to have nobody else outright hostile against me.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:02 pm

Actually, fds, I would quite appreciate it if you were to send me your savegame. I work a standard 40 hour week while attending a vocational college, so I cannot find the time to play religiously.

Send to: [email protected]

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:47 pm

I can also send my save game if anyone wants it, all neutral/friendly and the whole universe explored to the best of my knowledge. Click on my profile and send me an e-mail if you want it, I don't mind sharing I know how it is.

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