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Where can I buy the Dromedary?

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:04 am

Where can I buy the Dromedary?

I looked in the systems guide in border worlds and edge worlds, and didnt find it anywhere. Can some1 tell me where can this ship be purchased?

tnx, dxt.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:09 am

The Lane Hackers' Mactan Base in Magellan.

You make a stop there during the single player story.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:33 am

fds is right it is in mactan base but getting to it in multi is a little hard if u want its at a lowish level best way i found is to kill a few bountyhunters and navy guys to get neutral with the lane hackers then u can dock with the station and get it . the good thing is it only costs 61k and u can drug run from the base as well


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:26 am

1st sry for posting it in general, didn't think its a spoiler... :/

anyway tnx for the answers, but i rather dont shoot navy ships, maybe bounty hunters max. i'll try to find some1 to bribe :>

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:27 am

Kill Xenos, it will help your reputation with others too


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:01 pm

Are you ppl sure mactan is a hackers base? isn't it a rogues base?

anyway, can any1 tell me where can i find xenos to kill plz?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:11 pm

Ah, Xenos. It sounds like you and I are after the same thing, and have come to the same conclusion. I'll tell you that you definitely want to go after the Xenos. I got on the bounty hunters' bad side for the "Mule" freighter, and I've spent a lot of time since then trying to repair the damage. Anyway, now I'm after the Dromedary myself. It's in the Magellan system, at a base controlled by the Hackers. In preperation, I scouted out all three of the Xenos bases. You'll find one located in the Colorado system. Scout the asteroid field around the New York jump gate.

A little more scouting along the left side of the Colorado sector will turn up a jump point leading to another system...whose name I forget right now. Be warned, the Xenos base located on the other side is located inside a radiation field. I was piloting a Humpback at the time, and I took about a 1/4 of my hull damage before I got docked.

The last Xenos base is located in the Hudson system. It's in an asteroid field on the lower edge of the map. I was hoping to find a supply depot that I could raid for a quick faction hit, but no dice. Still, these three bases are teeming with Xenos patrols, so you should be able to rack up kills pretty steadily. I would suggest fighting in the Colorado system. It's likely got the weakest Xenos fighters.

I haven't given up hope on finding a Xenos supply depot, but unless someone points it out on these boards, I'm not going to spend any more time looking for it.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:37 pm

Thank you man! That was most useful.

I'll hop in my favourite server to kill some xenos right away.

It looks like the developers made them just for getting good rep with anyone else but them.. heh ;p

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