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Your Opinions About What Happed To The Hispania

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Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:18 am

Your Opinions About What Happed To The Hispania

I found it, but why did it happen to her?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:28 am

she was the result of sabotage , aparently the corsairs are the hispania´s ancestors. they traveled the sirius sector in search of a home which is now in omicron-theta ( not sure )

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:44 am

and as a result of something, they are "thought (meaning they are) to be the largest criminal organization in the sirus area.



Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:48 am

Click info after you have discovered and landed on the Outcast and Corsair home planets (Planet Malta in Omicron Alpha and Planet Crete in Omicron Gamma), there's quite a few pages worth of information on how did they end up being what they are today.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:35 am

There is also a rumor in the bar on Malta. Both outcasts and corsairs are supposed to be the decendents of the hispania people. Apparently it was damaged somewhere along the way.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:14 am

Yeah, I also think its pretty obvious that the Corsairs are the descendents of the Hispania. Maybe in a sequel, DA can add the Hispania nation with some idealistic Corsairs wanting to form their own political entity that is recognized by the other houses?

Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:19 am

Of the 8 ships that departed from Pluto in Sol (our solar system), only 5 actually made it to hyperspace (Liberty, Rheinland, Britonia, Kusari, and Hispania).

The Hispania made it to what is now Omnicron Alpha before it was sabotaged by someone inside. I guess quite a few people managed to awake and escape and they became the Outcasts, based on Malta in Omnicron Alpha. About 20 klicks south of Vesuvius in Omnicron Alpha is the wreckage and debris field.

The Outcasts escaped to Malta ("The Prison", they call it). But that planet was a failed Alien biology expirament and all the plant life produces toxic Cardamine gas. It causes the Outcasts to mutate and live long lives (avg 120, max 170-180 years), but have high infant mortality/low birth rate. People dependent upon Cardamine cannot live without it for very long which is why Outcasts where those breathing apparatii on their chins-- to provide them with a minimum amount of Cardamine to keep them alive.

They believe that members of the other colonies planted the saboteur to make it so that there was one less colong with which to compete for resources, so the Outcasts have decided not to waste countless lives on an all-out war/assault, but instead to make all of Sirius dependent upon Cardamine so that they can control everyone.


Mr. Daz posted this. He learned all this by talking to folks in the bar in Omicron-Alpha... and its true, Ive read most of it myself

Happy Flying !


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:18 am

What nationalities were the other 3 ships?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:35 pm

The complete (one) rumor I've heard is that some way along the way Hispania got damaged (not mentioned how). And I would assume it was before they reached sirius. Half of the people on board decided to continue the jurney with Hispania's shuttles. Those became the Corsairs. The other half decided to stay on Hispania and continue the journey with it. They made it to Omicron Alpha where they made landfall. This other half are now outcasts. Forgot about the rest

There is in their news that Malta was previously all barren rock now with the money flowing in from Cardamine it's turning into a green, paradise like planet with extremely high living standard. Most of the plants on the planet are still cardamime fields (of yellow color) though. So it would be more like a yellow planet heh.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:33 pm

The game makes it pretty obvious that both the Corsairs and the Outcasts are descendants of the Hispania...before I even visited their homeworlds and bases their Spanish names was a nice subtle hint...

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:51 am

Since this comes up a lot:

Click here

Edited by - Elenkis on 11-03-2003 00:52:39

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:58 am

Tiger: This is the only place I've heard about launching 8 ships rather than 5, 3 being destroyed or stopped, or launching from Pluto (it appears to be the Jupiter system in the intro, and only 5 ships launch. Also, the storyline about the Hispania is that it was sabotaged (supposedly) by one of the other houses for more space - but wouldn't 5 from 8 be more than anticipated space already? Just a few problems with that given the current canon storyline.

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