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Choguku System

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:56 pm

Choguku System

Right, I'm in the Blood Dragons HQ building up cash for the next mission. People in the bar keep on telling me to check out the wrecks of starfighters which are in the system. Now, I've cruised around a fair bit of the system and found nothing. Anybody give me a heads up on where they are ?


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:10 am

They are marked as a small red X on your nav map once you pass nearby, and they also have a tooltip if you move your mouse over them, plus clicking help even gives you some back story on how did those shipwrecks end up being where they are.

I think the wrecks in the Choguku system should have became visible on the nav map already near the way you flew into Kyoto Base.

You then just go there, shoot the wreck until some loot pops out, tractor them in and that's it.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:22 am

Cheers, I'll go take a closer look at the map then.

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