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Variety in Missions?

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:04 pm

Variety in Missions?

Just finished the single player and looking forward to exploring the game properly now, as well as indulging in a bit of piracy on the side...

just wondered tho, do the missions offered by either people or the jobs board ever change, or are they always "go here, kill this, maybe tractor/destroy something afterwards"? it would have been nice to see some variety.. even Frontier had carrying people/cargo to other systems..

Seems like extra job types would be very simple to add tho, so maybe modders/patches will add them at a later date?




Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:12 pm

All the missions on the job boards are always of the same variety.

You'll level up faster and get much more money by simply trading commodities on your own, if that's what you are up to.

Taking the job board missions are mostly useful if you want to get that specific faction friendlier towards you and the target more hostile.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:14 pm

thanks for the info dude..

fingers crossed for more missions in patches.. I'm sure it would be a very minor code alteration, and possibly even just a config file fiddle




Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:31 pm

Yup, I would really love to have something interesting to do in the Freelancer universe again. I really enjoyed the game while the story lasted. I also manageded to extract some more enjoyment out of the game afterwards by exploring everything, landing on every single base.. though the last one turned a bit tedious after a while.

Finding and visiting the hidden bases, ship wreckages and checking their lost cargo was the most interesting part I suppose.
I highly recommend visiting the Outcasts and Corsairs home worlds in Omicron Alpha and Omicron Gamma, respectively. I do recommend against going there if you are hostile with them though.

I would even settle for replaying the same single player story once again, only this time with my fully explored universe map and my fully equipped Corsairs Titan ship. Yeah, most enemy ships would die in a single or at most two shots, but I think I wouldn't mind that. That's exactly why I "worked" to get that ship.

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