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Saving Jacobi mission problem

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:09 pm

Saving Jacobi mission problem

I can't handle this. What the hell Navy ships weared? They crushed my shield in a couple of shots. And other couple of shots crushed my hull too.
I have the order's heavy fighter with advanced H.F. shield.
May be I should fly on barracuda?
Anycase, this guys at the comm satellite make me angry :-)

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:19 pm

Don't know what to tell you, but the Order ship is the best ship you can have right now. Try using torps on the Satellite so you can get out of there faster. Just focus on the satellite.

If cats always land on thier feet. What would happen if you strap 2 cats back to back and drop them?
Probably destroy space and time.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:58 pm

This is a VERY hard mission - unfortunately, you're actually at the "easy part" comparatively speaking.

First off, I'm pretty sure the "Order" gear is better than anything you can have at this level - so trade in for an Anubis and Order Shield and Order thrusters and order weapons - I went with 6 fast level 6s and a debiltator turret - perhaps the turret is a poor choice since Nomads are unshielded but it helped with everything else.

Anyway, you only need to destroy the sat, not the rest of the platforms and whatnot. The navy fighters are using Nomad guns, which will eat through you like butter, so do not fight straight up. Avoid any kind of headon strafing run like the sort that is so useful against pirates with WEAKER guns than you. Instead fly around very evasively, conserve bots and batteries and just slowly chip away at navy fighter when you have to fight them. The same will go for nomad ships which you'll face a crapload of later. Pack a starkiller (or if you were clever, sunslayer) torpedo with a full load of torps, because there are a lot of generators and such garbage to deal with in the last missions. Keep your cool and save your gear on that whole mission, it is the hardest in the game imo. When you are escaping, bear in mind that you need to wait for certain events sometimes in hopeless fights. Although in the order system when Von Clausen comes to help you (this may be the battery mission instead of the president mission) you actually have to win an insanely unbalanced fight, which looked so bad I assumed there was a rescue event. Whoops.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:18 pm

Thanks, I'll try. I have starkiller torpedoes, but it seems to me that they don't cause much damage to satellite.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:50 pm

buy an advanced afterburner , stop up max nano/bats and
use the burner alot during combat .

also , i found it very easy to find a spot VERY near a large ship / building where you wont get hit , stop there and practicly blast it unharmed . worked perfectly
for the last several missions (nomad battleships heh , nomad city shield
generators were a breeze too )

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:15 am

I destroyed satellite and save Jacobi. Now trying to escape. Almost did it, but made a slow docking with jump gate and died :-)) But it's something already.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:55 pm

OK. it's done ;-) BTW, destroying Navy ships nearly satellite is necessary. I didn't get "SUCCESS" until I kill'em all. It is unnecessary to destroy weapon platforms.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:27 pm

Quite right. Regarding afterburners, buy Order. By all order gear you can, I'm pretty sure nothing at that level is better - I had to figure out what the power drain thing meant, the higher the number the better, although that seems counterintuitive since it says "drain."

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