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Highest paid missions?

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:07 pm

Highest paid missions?

It's been covered but I don't see a way here to look at old threads or doa search so I have to ask.

Where are the highest paying (most difficult) missions? Omicron Alpha has several up to the 150k mark, any higher ones out there?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:55 pm

Wow, what do you have to do in those 150k ones?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:52 pm

Destroy a planet with a class 1 starbeam

-I trade for a living, rouges piss me off, come get me, catch me if you can, i will leave you in the dust, or you'll die trying, take your pick.- #Part of the traders protection pact# @Heretic Inc. We trade because we own.@

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:06 pm

Actually, exactly the same things you have to do in the missions which only net a few thousands. Exactly.
Only the enemy ships are a bit thougher.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:43 am

Hi all!

Well, the highest paid mission I've done in Multiplayer was when there were two of us (both level 38) in the Omicron Theta system at Freeport 9 for the Bounty Hunter's Guild. 230,000 for killing 5 titans and retrieving an escape pod

We consistently get 150k+ missions at that station, and always for killing between 10-15 Corsairs (now exclusively in Titans). And since it takes about 5 minutes a mission we are making around 1.2m / hour each.

BTW - the reason this is so easy is the following ship specs:

Eagle - Best ship due to extreme maneuverability.
4x Nomad Cannons -
2x Salamanca Type II (Class 9) - Going to probably upgrade to Tizona Del Cid (Class 9) for enhanced shield removal.
The class 10 shield - (too lazy to look up name )
Advanced Thrusters
Ripper Mines - Heheheh
Sunslayer Torpedoes - " "
Advanced Countermeasures

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:36 am

I have done missions at freeport 9 for the bounty-hunters there for 245,000, the missions take aprox 5-10 mins to do and as well as the mission payment i also regularly pick up 3-4 lvl 9 guns (36,000 sell value) and a full cargo hold of silver or consumer goods or h-fuel, which all sell for 200ish a unit at freeport 9, it is a high radiation area so even allthough i never really get damaged that much i still have to pay about 10,000 in repairs when i get back (including the 1-2 shield batteries i sometimes need to re-stock)

All in the missions are worth about 350K(very poor) to about 450K(the most i have prolly made in one mission) with an average of about 400k if the mission was a 245,000 one, can't remember the difficulty if anybody wants it i think they are about lvl 43ish i will post a reply if somebody wants me to go find out any more info.

I also use an eagle dont use mines, dont use missles, dont use torpedoes, never use turret view, this game is a bit too easy if these are the hardest missions available, but i am glad at least thet missions are a much better way of getting cash than trading.

I once had my shields go down to about 20% when i acidenaly killed a bounty hunter ship and had to kill all the corsair titans (about 10) and all the bounty hunter hammerheads (another 10-15) that were supposed to be helping me on the mission, but went red when i fragged one of them, so i am guessing if i could find a lvl100 mission for say a couple of million credit reward it might be challenging and force me to buy some propper weapons for my ship and use nano bots and stuff(fingers crossed)

I seen a newscast on one of my friends pc's saying that there was some bounty on a guy for 3million credits and he was the top of everyones most-wanted lists, but i have never seen any missions to actualy go get him.

Trojan out.

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