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Nomad Weapons?

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:50 pm

Nomad Weapons?

hi there!

im playing on the Elite Server, and currently am stuck at getting Nomad weapons.

in single player each escort (consists of 4 ships) drops 1 nomad weapon, but now in multi player i just killed 5 escorts (= 20 ships) and got absolutely nothing.

so here is my question:
is it possible to get nomad weapons at all and if yes, how many nomad ships do i have to destroy before they drop 1?
or are there any other ways to get these weapons (i.e. wrecks)?


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 7:09 pm

I believe the nomad ships/weapons are available in single player only.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance..."

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:40 pm

hm, no, i just met one guy having a nomad gun.

another one said that u have to shoot WAY more nomads to get one of their guns.
perhaps ill just try shooting and shooting and shooting...

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:50 pm

I got nomad weapons on mp on my own server..

you have to look for thoses nomand wreages.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:18 am

I've gotten Nomad Energy Blasters and Nomad Energy Cannons in multiplayer.
*doublechecks to make sure this is still the spoilers forum*
Go to Omicron Alpha (F3?) or Omicron Gamma (g2?). Look around for an "Unknown Jump Hole." When you find it, just hang around. Sooner or later, Nomads will show up. Shoot them, and they'll sometimes drop a weapon. Note that this is Outcast and Corsair territory, so if you're not on good terms with them, you're gonna have one $#!& of a firefight on your hands.

If I'm reading the data files correctly, there's a 1% chance of them actually having a weapon to drop, so it may take you a while. It took over sixty ships before I got my first Nomad weapon, and then within two more waves, I had a full compliment. Please note that these are level 10 weapons and do about 2,500 damage per second. (Blaster is 635.700012 damage per shot, 4 shots per second. Cannons are 847.599976 damage per shot, 3 shots per second.)

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:25 am

instead of hang around and just *waiting*, you could try using the unknown jump hole (Omnicron Alpha). Jump to the nomad side of the quadrant, kill four nomad ships, jump back to Omnicron Alpha for another four nomad bogies. Repeat.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:53 am

i was at unkown system, shooting my nomad... (killed some hessians to get neutral with those corsairs)

well then, seems as if i just had to shoot more of them...

and @akito927
where are those wreckages?

k, ty guys! =

Edited by - sp00n on 10-03-2003 07:54:36

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:45 pm

i killed about 80 now, and still no sign of a nomad weapon.

im getting pissed... >

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:15 pm

They´ll drop. Sooner or later they´ll drop. I have four Nomad Cannons mounted onto my Saber and have two of them along with a blaster in my cargo hold for some folks I´m playing with.

What seems to increase the chance of a drop is if you hunt the Nomads with the help of some other players.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 9:53 pm

does the time u havent landed on a base matter when finding those weapons?
(trying to figure that damn formula out...)

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:37 pm


i just killed around 90 nomads IN A ROW without landing or changing systems (all the time within the unkown system with the apes), and NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!
(- then i lost connection to the server -)

WHAT am i doing wrong?

i tried shooting them in a particular order... escort1 - escort2 - escort3 - the ship without a name and so on and so on and so on.

i didnt get nomad weapons when i had level 8 weapons... i dont get nomad weapons when i have level 10 weapons...

are the nomad weapons like wrecks that respawn time to time?
are the any nomad weapons in this unkown sector at all?

i got NO idea what i am doing wrong, neither why me at all people shouldnt be able to get those weapons.

jesus, what a mess...

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:40 pm

maybe your level has something to do it? i dunno im level 38 and the first nomad escorts i face dropped 2 cannons. and the second escorts i faced dropped 2 blasters and 1 cannon.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:50 pm

started at level 29 and am now at 32, dont think that this is the problem.

but whatever, ill try...

btw, in which system did u get those guns?

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