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How did you find Buffalo? please help!!

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:35 pm

How did you find Buffalo? please help!!

OK, I'm stuck with the demo till 11th April (being a Brit)
I've explored most of the New York system even down to that hidden DSE supply depot hidden in a debris field. Yet as much as i search for it I can't find a whole frikkin base!! - Buffalo! (this is embarrassing)
I've heard its in the badlands but its so murky in there and I often get disorientated while dogfighting, any tips on finding it? Perhaps the sector square?
Cheers for any help

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:44 pm

Buffalo is in the Badlands in sector E7, just put a few waypoints in E7 and fly between them and it will show up.

Edited by - ZeroGravity on 09-03-2003 15:46:02

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