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Finally my perfect faction template

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:34 pm

Finally my perfect faction template

I finally got the perfect setup for my factions after much hard work fighting the right mix of enemies here and there and tactical bribing. I have all the known universe mapped and the only factions hostile to me are Corsairs and Xenos. I can go fight them when I want a good fun fight and no negative effects from killing a zillion of them. I am so happy, it took me forever to reach my faction goal and now I have it yay. It's so nice only having two factions to worry about jumping me.


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:01 pm

You could probably get in good with the corsairs too, I've seen a couple of places that would offer a good bribe to get in good with them...I had a VERY good relationship with the people that the bribe would have pissed off and it only hurt my rep a little bit....

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:09 pm

You can also slaughter mollys to get in good reputation with the corsairs

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:35 pm

Hehehe, I wouldn't want to be enemies with Corsairs, they are the strongest faction IMO, and if you come across them in Omicron Theta or Omicron Gamma, you're toast, they have Titans and all that.
But yeah, must be nice having only two enemies...

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 8:16 pm

For the corsairs, Freeport 9 has a guy in the bar.

Also, start pickin on the red hessins and boutny hunters in the omega systems.. Took about 2 hours of good fights to get neutral. Once your neutral, you can get to omicron gamma and one of the 2 unknowns quite easily.

Just make sure you dock at the shipyard or planet before going up near the unkown.. Nomads and radiation eat nanobots quickly!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 9:55 pm

Yeah good idea, I'll kill Mollys until Corsairs go back neutral...I think I'd rather have them as an enemy since they are more confined than the Corsairs. They aren't going to drag another faction hostile with them like the Gaians when I kill them all are they? And on the bribe note, I tried that at Yanagi Depot in Sigma 13 to get good with the Corsairs and like 7 other factions went hostile lol. I just want them barely neutral so the other factions also stay neutral.

Edited by - ZeroGravity on 09-03-2003 21:56:54

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:50 am

Well I went and slaughtered the Mollys and got the Corsairs neutral but then the IMG went hostile. I was still friendly with the Outcasts and they are enemies with the IMG. I went and killed some Outcasts and then the IMG went back neutral while the Outcasts went from friendly to neutral. All the while from killing the Mollys and the Outcasts the Xenos also went neutral hehe. So now I only have one faction in the entire universe which is hostile and that's the Mollys. I think that's the best you can get it is just one faction hostile. I don't think it's possible to have them all neutral. I'll keep experimenting and see if I can get the Mollys back neutral without making another faction hostile, I'm really curious to see if it's at all possible to have no hostile factions.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:54 am

Oh, that's a very nice alignment you have.
My best is currently being hostile to the Red Hessians only and no one else.

That kind of sucks though as they are much tougher than the Mollies, and they also have three bases, which I cannot land upon because of their hostility. The Mollies couldn't even hurt my shields with their wimpy weapons.

The Mollies only have that single base in Dublin, which, however is the cheapest place to buy Gold in the whole universe.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:56 am

I've done it!! I have achieved perfect faction status in the game, so it is possible. I am neutral or friendly to all factions in the entire universe. I was friendly with BMM and they are enemies with the Mollys so I killed just enough to make them both go neutral. Now I can trade anywhere or explore anywhere I wish without any hostiles (except for Nomads in unknown systems). Might take a little fun out of the game, but nice to know it can be done with alot of hard work. I have the game saved and will keep that one forever and then I can branch out and go full pirate or full bounty hunter or whatever I chose and make new save games with those, it's nice to have a neutral save game to branch off of.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:55 am

Yep, I'm close to it too - only I unfortunately got the Bounty Hunters angered a bit in the process, so I'll have to work that back some way.

I could kill Corsairs, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Xenos or maybe Junkers.

I like the Corsairs so I'm leaving them alone (I'm almost friendly with them ), but the rest will serve the purpose well.

We shall not forget though that even though we are neutral to the criminal factions, they will still demand your cargo every now and then and unless you drop it or get away, turn hostile.

I think we should share then our save games here so we can compare what we remained friendly with in the process. I'll get those Bounty Hunters back to neutral tomorrow and upload it somewhere.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:59 am

Yeah they will turn hostile if you don't drop it but the faction doesn't change just don't kill them, fly away and come back later and they are back to normal so it's all good.

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