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how do i raise my friendly meter with the oucats?

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:56 am

how do i raise my friendly meter with the oucats?

can somebody gimme a list of things to do to help my status w/ the outcasts? i want a sabre...

they're on all the way red because i had to get friendly with the corsairs to get the titan i have now...

i was thinking that i should be a backstabber and turn on the corsairs but i'd have to kill too many of them to get the outcasts back to neutral..

what are ur thoughts?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:09 am

kill bounty hunters and everything else on their "enemy" list.
Police depot = easy kill

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:10 am

hmmm... yeah but i was thinking that there are so many bounty hunters around that i don't want ot be attacked constantly...

also... where's the base where i can basically buy friend points with the outcasts?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:50 am

then shoot depots (police or even better gateway in hokkaido).
That way saves you cash, wich you then can use on candy/beer


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:22 am

Go to Tau-37. Go to Freeport 10 (in the upper-right of the middle area of the map-- click on the patrol routes and you'll see a bunch of lines going to it).

Save up $150k (or less if you're not on such bad terms with them). You can pay this guy to hack their records and make you friendly with the outcasts.

Then you can go to Omnicron Alpha (there's a jumphole about 20 klicks north of Freeport 10) and go to Malta and get yo'self a Sabre

I went when I was like lvl 28-30. You have to be 30 to get a Sabre, but the missions based from Malta pay 95-150K so it shouldn't take that long to get to 30. You best have a heavy fighter with a lvl 8 shield and only go for the lvl 35 missions (100K or less) because the Bounty Hunters have Very Heavy Fighters with lvl 10 weapons and lvl 9-10 shields and will take only a few seconds to kill you quicklike.

Stick with the easy missions until you can get lvl 30 and afford a sabre, then equip that puppy and the Bounty Hunters won't seem that hard


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