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''Unknown system'' (after missions)

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Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 12:12 am

''Unknown system'' (after missions)

Hi there..

I've just entered an unknown system, and I'm battling the nomads. It seems that they have a rather neat weapon (normad laser), but i haven't been able to read the specs yet without getting killed (it takes some 7 or 8 hits and I'm dead).

So anyone here got the specs on the weapons it carry?

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 12:43 am


Class - 10
Hull - 635
Shield - 317
Speed - 699m/s
Range - 600
Refire - 4.00
Energy - 0


Class - 10
Hull - 847
Shield - 423
Speed - 699m/s
Range - 600
Refire - 3.03
Energy - 0

Unless you REALLY suck at shooting and you NEED the 0 energy consumption, the time and effort it takes to get the nomad weapons is not worth it at all. You can find weapons that do 1200 damage just lying around and easier to acquire. If you can aim, don't even waste your time on these. Get the Diamondbacks, etc.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:08 am

but if you planning to do pvp, do not go out without them

for pvm you do not need even level 9 guns thou

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:22 am

Well I eventually found it boring (after visiting Gammu and Primus[1) and left the system for good.

Now I'm trying to get into the Outcast system, but I seem to have a communication problem with them- so it'll probably be a noisy ride.

[1 The access to that system seems to more a bug than a 'feature' - because the description is for an another planet, somewhere in the Kursari system.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:42 am

You can find weapons that do 1200 damage just lying around and easier to acquire. If you can aim, don't even waste your time on these. Get the Diamondbacks, etc.

However the Diamondbacks have a firerate that is twice as slow as the Nomad Blasters... Meaning the Nomad Blasters actually do a tiny bit more damage per second.

Edited by - Elenkis on 09-03-2003 01:45:04


Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:51 am

Yeah... I thought that too... looks Like it's either a Bug or the 'Easter Eggs' Systems are just that.... To me it looks like something was left in and the code wasn't entirely checked. It's almost the programers having a larf/Joke or these systems were just code-tests because of:

(1) The references to another system in the planet details/description. You'll probably also notice that both planets have the same description!

(2) Landing on the Droid Planet - you'll notice that the fly-in sequence was the sequence from the SP missions where Trent discovers the Order's Secret Base!!!

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:26 am

Droid Planet? Please direct me to this place... I've been to the Unknown Jump Hole in Omega Alpha... and all that was there were roving bands of Nomads and an orange unlabeled star with rings around it... Nothing else.

Post Sun Mar 09, 2003 2:43 am

The system discussed here, can be access from Omicron Theta. I haven't checked whether or not you can access the same unknown system from Alpha.

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