Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:55 pm by guptasa1
I don't mean to be at all offensive or anything by saying this, but I really think this is a game designed for patient people - people who'll enjoy taking a half hour or so just to go for a flight and explore an area they haven't previously explored, trying to find abandoned ships or new bases or interesting phenomena. I think unpatient people are going to be disappointed in the end with this title, but on the other hand...I think people who like to explore will be blown away by just how much there is to see and do, so it cuts both ways. I think it's true that you can't have a game that appeals to all people.
In my case (just from the trial version), what I'd usually do is land at a base, take a random mission, then look at the map and figure out a place I haven't really looked at yet. Then I'd decide where I wanted to land at (maybe purchase some commodities I can sell for profit there), and then I'd go do it. So first I'd finish my mission, then I'd explore the area, and then I'd go where I wanted to go with a fuller map and maybe some goodies I found. I also plan to spread out the campaign missions a bit so I don't get bored. But that's fun for me, and it wouldn't be for all people.