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beat the game.....but i''m confused what to do next.

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:49 am

beat the game.....but i''m confused what to do next.

Kind of confused

A mission or two before beating the game you are told that as one of your rewards you will be giving one of the precious order ships. I never got the ship nor came across an option to take/refuse it. I was hoping it to be a Rhilander ship, but again the option never game to accept the ship. Am I missing something here?

Also when you complete the game in single player is it possible to advance in level still? I do not wish to play multi-player for the simple fact that you have to (or I heard – haven’t tried it my self yet) create a new pilot for each different server. I’m asking because I’m level 18 and I’m already surpassed the amount needed for the next level.

I was wondering also what type of ship is the Rhilander.

Thanks for your help.


Kind of confused that the base that you holed up in near the end in the badlands is hostile towards you at the end game….Two weeks and they already forget about you. I also think that this game is a wonderful game. To many people i noticed was hoping that it was going to be the next privateer -- i think for a space sim it met its requirements.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:40 am

I finished the missions. I'm at level 38 now with 2 000 000$ .
I think all you can do is explore, buy the best ship you can and look for those class-10 weapons.

I never got the reward too so I guess its just bull****


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:19 am

Yeah, just hold out until some cool mods are made for the game.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:19 am

I finished it too. The ship they refer to is the order ship.... Its a heavy fighter that you can buy for just over 1000credits. You sell yours and all weapons and make loads of money. All order weapons and sheilds cost about 140 credits. Everytime you do a mission or make money, your requirement to next level goes down.
All you seem to do is explore. I was looking forward to a flash ending though. A bit dissapointed when i didnt see one.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:33 am

Yeah, that was it. The anubis... very cool ship... Didn't like it though... It's only available on that mission. You get level 8 (i think) weapons & shields for under $2000 .. now that's a bargin.

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