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Okay... what''s goin on here?

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 5:23 am

Okay... what''s goin on here?

I just got to the mission where juni tells me to meet her on California minor and I get the job to escort some artifacts via way points through some nebula when we are ambushed by an abondoned trade outpost.

Every time I try the mission I get waxed. I get maybe 4 enemy fighters before I get killed. I drop every damn counter measure I have, I go through all my shield batteries, all my nanobots... but I just take too much damage. I have a heavy fighter... cannot remember the exact name, but I bought it on the Battleship Missouri for like 12k and it is pretty nice.

I have no trouble taking out the enemy fighters, but there 'are just too many of them'... to use a phrase from Star Wars.

What am I missing here? Do I run away? Do I not take the mission? Should I go do some other stuff first, puuchase my own friggin Battleship and then take the mission?

Thanks in advance for any help... I love this game, and getting stuck is not making me happy. Seems to be that is how I stop playing most games... get stuck... get pissed. Anywho...


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:01 am

if my memory serves me correctly, i think those are the Rheinland ships u are talking about.. in that level... i had a heavy fighter aswell around that time... and they were probably the hardest ships to kill.... the rheindlanders where hard as ****... but just keep at it... they always got me when i was chasing em, cos their turrets did so much damage

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:19 am

No. It's actually Outcast ships that come and blow you to smithereens.

And the ship you purchased was a Liberty Defender, 12260 credits.

What you need to do is make sure that you have the Imp. Countermeasures (Improved countermeasures) with atleast one missile type, and whichever guns you prefer.

Max out your missiles and countermeasures before leaving California Minor to take on this mission! Or atleast take 20 of each (missiles and improved countermeasures). It helps to have the Heavy Fighter Guardian Graviton Shield (which can be purchased at Willard Research Station).

When you get to the fight, at the abandoned station, immediately break out of formation, turn on cruise flight, and fly straight at the nearest enemy (target by pressing R key (default)). Just before you get to the enemy fighter (about 800 meters away) break out of cruise, and unleash with your guns and missiles, and you should have an easy take down (the only one of this fight, I might add).

What you do from here is make sure that you punch the C key like mad whenever you get a missile lock on, and if your shields start to run low, punch the cruise drive into action, while bobbing and weaving, to allow time for your shields to build up. (Having only 14 shield recharge units for this fight is a travesty! You run out of 'em quick! You need more like 50 of them suckers!) Concentrate on one fighter at a time, and whenever a fighter is turning into you, unleash some missiles, and especially when their shields are down, as the missiles can do maximum damage.

Hope this helps!

On the way from Willard Research Station to California Minor, you and Juni get ambushed by 3 Rheinland Valkyrie Heavy Fighters, with Stealthblade cannons on board. Lucky for you they can't recharge their shields (other wise you'd be up to your neck in trouble!) Whenever your shields run low, just switch on your cruise drive and run circles around them for a while (they don't recharge shields or repair hull damage while you do this, and Juni can hold her own).

"Overspecialize and you breed in weakness. It's slow death." - Ghost in the Shell
[email protected]

Edited by - Systemshocked on 08-03-2003 07:22:42

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:29 am

Practice makes perfect... Just practice more dogfighting and you'll beat them in no time...

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:45 pm

And ...

Use your thrusters, they are by far the best way to keep from getting too much damage. Only flying head-on passes unleashing everything you have into the enemy while he does the same (like some futuristic jousting match ) will get you killed unless you have some pretty nasty weapons.

BTW, what weapons do you have at this point?
If you haven't, try salvaging some scorpion cannons off of Xenos ships, very nice piece of technology

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 2:18 pm

Missiles are your friends. Missiles almost always hit a ship heading towards you. I've won some pretty big fights where my guns were mostly useless due to the constant engine kill + thuster manuvering required to stay alive, almost completely with missiles, javelins no less. Just juke around blasting as much as possible with your guns, dropping mines like mad, and launching missiles every time your target turns even slightly towards you.

Concentrate on staying alive and not keeping your target in front of you, but when the odds are more favorable it can be advantageous to stick to your target and kill 'em quicker. When you approach a group of enemies, try to target the farthest one first. That way after you make your first pass and pull around behind him you won't have the rest of his buddies behind you ripping your ship a new exhaust port. Also, when approaching a group of enemies in cruise, hit z instead of dropping out of cruise normaly. You will still be traveling at 300m/s, but now you can fire a few missiles before you fly past them, if it is a headon encounter, without being touched(much), and then pull around behind them.


Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:21 pm

Im at that mission where the 3 ships are suposed to attack/ambush you, but they just sit there and do nothing... So Im kinda stuck without the option of doing anything at all, anyone know a solution to this plz ???

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:17 pm

Tune your Defender for maximum power efficency, and stock up on nano's and batteries. Personally I like to go for EMP missiles, and let loose 2 of those when the enemy is heading towards me so that their shield is complely drained. Thats half the job

Good luck

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:39 pm

Where is the Willard Research Station?

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 10:15 pm

Never mind... I found it

And I got past that damn mission too...

Thanks for the help!


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