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How do you improve your Liberty Rogue faction?

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:02 am

How do you improve your Liberty Rogue faction?

I'm at my wit's end here. I spent all night trying to figure it out. First, I went out and hunted Xenos. After a couple of hours of that, with no improvement, I started digging through the various forums. I found a great tip - hunt bounty hunters and destroy their supply depot in the manchester system. Great! I pissed off the bounty hunters. For a brief while, the rogues didn't hate me as much.

Then their hatred level started creeping back up again. I couldn't figure out why. I avoided any fights with them, and concentrated solely on bounty hunters. When I needed money for repairs, I even spent an hour or so mining because I couldn't find any missions that didn't include killing rogues or their allies. The hatred just got worse.

In frustration I tried a new approach. I started a new character, didn't take any missions to begin with, but instead headed straight for the manchester system and that supply depot. On the very first trade lane, I was ambushed by rogues. I fled without firing on them. My faction dipped a little below neutral. When I got to the jump gate, I ran smack dab into a battle between the rogues and the police, the rogues seemed to think I was a target, but I raced to the jump gate instead. They liked me even less for that.

Several more times I was set upon by rogues or their allies on my way to the supply depot. Even though I never engaged one rogue, the mere fact that the rogues fired on me seemed to decrease my faction with them. The end result was that by the time I got to the supply depot, destroying it wouldn't have been any more worthwhile than my first character's attempt had been.

So, what's the trick? How do I improve my faction with the rogues, when the minute they pop on my radar I lose faction??? I wasted my entire evening on this stupid quest, and have nothing to show for it but frustration.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 7:05 am

try searching the bars at space stations. There should be some one you can bribe.
anyway, i just take it as practice and after a while, you tend to figure out the flight patterns. or you can check out your map and then avoid enemy patrol areas. Try getting a military fighter from one of the battleships.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:26 pm

The best way to do it is to be basically neutral with the Junkers where you can except missions killing Xenos only not only does your faction status rise with the Liberty Rogues within the first 3-4 missions but also you become allied with there allies,which includes the powerful Outcasts & Lane hackers.

Do not kill any bounty hunters since afaic,they are one of the better allies that you have in the game they almost always seem to just show up out of nowhere in a tough firefight.A good example of that was when I stumbled on the Xenos Ouray base never saw so many bounty hunters ever that were at least 9 Pirahnas that helped me out of that jam.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:28 pm

take the missions in liberty bar that involve killing xenos in the colorado system, you can if you like take off first and destroy the storage depots on the right of the docking gate, get yourself killed by the police and then take a mission

- loth

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:16 pm

Well, I found a way to do it, but it involved cheating, as far as I'm concerned. I moved to the Manchester system and docked. Since I'm the only other guy on our private server, I had the host restart the server. It refreshed the supply depot. I destroyed it again. We did it twice more, and I was in the positive faction with the Rogues.

There was one down side and a couple of good sides to the experience. The down side: when I started out, I had been so battered that I couldn't afford shield batteries or nano-bots. There were 2-3 Bounty Hunters outside my starbase at any given time, so whenever I launched, I got the crap beat out of me. I finally managed to win a fight and proceed on my actual mission.

The upsides:
1.) I got some good dogfight training out of it.
2.) I amassed a ton of money very quickly from the depot loot.

The second part was very beneficial, although it was never my intention. The whole reason for the exercise is that I wanted a Mule freighter. The money I made allowed me to purchase it immediately before my Rogue faction could die again. It also allowed me to outfit my Rhino for the Bounty Hunter fights I had to endure at launch - making it a much less frustrating experience.

For all that, I would have enjoyed a legitimate route to improving my faction much more. One funny experience I took out of the whole affair was the police involvement. Thoughout the various dogfights I engaged in, there were frequently police patrols scanning my, and the bounty hunters', cargo for contraband. There was no, "hey! Knock off all that fighting! You're under arrest!" As long as we weren't hauling contraband, nothing else seemed to matter...and I thought they were my friends. Hmmph.

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