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How to get rich quick?

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Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:46 am

How to get rich quick?

If you check out there is a list of trade routes.

I have figured out that if you take into account the number of systems you have to traverse and the actual profitability( % of upfront cost) the following are the best(aint spreadsheets fantastic).

Beryllium from Cardiff in Cambridge to The Ring in New Berlin
Boron from Pittsburgh in New York to Stokes Mining Facility in Leeds
Luxury Food from Planet New London to Planet Denver in Colorado
Diamonds from Planet New Berlin to planet New Tokyo
Boron from Pittsburgh in New York to Sheffield in Manchester
Engine Compnenets from Planet New Tokyo to Denver or Cambridge

There must be better ones out there.
Any ideas anyone?

What about profitable non story line missions?
Where are the best of those?


le pympernel

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:51 am

The BEST trade route I've found I believe is H-Fuel from Sigma 13 -> Mactan Base/Planet Curcao

With the Humpback you make $120,000 profit each run.
Find something cheap from Liberty space to sell in Rheinland space, and you've got a sick trade route going.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:12 am

that "Luxury Food from Planet New London to Planet Denver in Colorado" run is pretty good if i remember right. you get something like $250k for the run in a humpback.


Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:25 am

You're right Patton, although you usually lose a few units of luxury food in transit due to spoilage it's still only a small loss.

I like the New London -> Manhatten luxury foods run, too. Once you're done you can go to Fort Bush and buy optronics to take back to New London which also fetches a pretty penny, although I'm not sure if it's as good as the luxury foods run. It's pretty damn close though. With a Humpback you CAN make a million dollars in 2 round trips.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:12 am

New Tokio (buy engine parts) <-> Mactan Base (buy gold)

A quite long run, dangerous one, but ~470k profit (using dromedary).
It may be not the best run in profit per minute terms, bit i like it more then that repeating boring safe runs.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:10 pm

New Tokyo (Engine Componets) <-> New Berlin (Diamonds)
made over 1 million in just a few hours, its fairly short and not very dangerous, especially with a humpback.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:26 pm

I was doing Mactan base <--> New Berlin

shipping gold one way and engine components the other, its sickning the cash you get, also theres a jump gate to speed things up alittle and if your faction with criminals is neutral then you only get attacked by Xenos, so you take the beiring system rather than hudson and you dont get attacked at all

nice, easy, safe and you will get your mill creds in a matter of hrs (I did mine in a dromedary(sp) and now sharking in a sabre)

- loth

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