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forgot where i found my fav. weap!

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:20 pm

forgot where i found my fav. weap!

where the heck did i find the barrager mk II (class IV) ??.. same place as sold the barrager I (class II). looks so nice on the wings of my Dagger.. the only thing i ever fly as soon as i get money enough for it (and sheilds and nice stuff). and if anyone can answer this one.. then my next questions is: does it exist some "byuyers guide" for weaps/sheilds.. like the nice one for ships?

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:30 pm

beaumont base in texas was the answer.. after checking every damn base i've been to i finally found it.. too close to be considered!.. but now you know.. no need for an answer anymore. I am the god of barrager mkII and i bring you.. ehrm.. ampty batteries in 2 seconds?

there's no reason to kill yourself.. as long as you can make others suffer

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:47 pm


i loot some sometimes, don't like em that much.

my valkyrie has 2X flamecurse, 2X hornviper, 1X vengeance mk2 (i believe)

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:23 am

I have 2 Diamondbacks that do 1200 hull damage, 1000 some shield, and 2 of these FlameLance things or something that do about the same I took a trip through Liberty and had fun turning Rogues into scrap in one shot

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