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Limitation on pilot level in SP campaign?

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Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:03 pm

Limitation on pilot level in SP campaign?

In the single player campaign, many times the requirement for a level advancement is a mission. Does that mean that there's no way to increase beyond a certain level per mission? For instance, I think I'm currently level 17 on mission 11 (Just got the Anubis). Is there no way to be a higher level here, even if it means loading an earlier save game and getting mo' money? Or is the level advancement capped per mission? Thanks!

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:39 pm

yes it is capped

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:01 am

Yes, capped.
It is the "closed end" of this "open ended" game.

Sorry, but it is the one thing I see NO reason for them doing, and it is the one thing that disturbs me the most about the game.
In fact, as soon as I saw it happen a second time, after the "tutorial missions", I quit playing the SP game.
I don't like games that NAG me to "go do this NOW".
So, I only play MP now....but only 16 hours a day!

Pyrate Dredd

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:24 am

Ah, got it, thanks. I dunno, for a game that's been in development 5+ years, with multiple teams working on it, and all its hype and "open-endedness", the missions are PAINFULLY identical. I think I actually got to go on a single escort mission in the SP campaign so far. But every other mission, whether its kill these guys, or assasinate this guy, or pick up this stolen cargo, its always just go out and kill stuff. I can see what many people mean when they suggest its a lot like Diablo. Kinda Diablancer. Or maybe Freeblo?

Ah well, I enjoy it, but I think X2 is going to be more what I'm looking for in the end. More than just - buy ship, go kill stuff, buy better ship, go kill stuff, etc. I like more variety.

Edited by - ScreaminGecko on 07-03-2003 01:24:54

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:03 pm

X2 is going to be more of a simulation (for as far as you can simulate sci-gi), freelancer is just an no-nonsense action game.
and a good one :p

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:06 pm

They had to cap it... otherwise you'll fly around with a Titan armed with nomad weapons... The campaign would be pointless and boring since you won't check out various ships / weapons and the challenge would be non-existent as you can take out anything in 3 shots.

At least they didn't restrict your jump hole usage in single player.

---This statement is FALSE---

Edited by - Zamboni on 07-03-2003 20:08:28

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