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Need Help w/ Mission 4

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:29 am

Need Help w/ Mission 4

Need Help with mission 4, how can you survive fighting all the Liberty Navy ships? Ive tryed it over and over, and I keep dying, what do I do?


Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:54 am

Which part are you referring to exactly? Each mission has several stages, but I try to offer some general advice.

A lot of that mission is just fleeing. The easier ways to pass the time of a combat sequence that you're ultimately going to escape from is to keep your cruise engines on and just fly about erratically. That seems to make it almost impossible for them to hit you. You can also try to find some creative place to hide. In one of the later missions I had to destroy a battleship that was in a shipyard. There were enemies everywhere so I flew myself underneath the battleship, in between it and some of the superstructure of the shipyard and shut off my engines. I was pretty much able to sit there and shoot it until it went up while being hit by minimal gunfire. You could perhaps look for a similarly concealed spot in one of the structures in the system. Maybe behind the pivoting arms of a docking ring and using your strafe keys to move side-to-side to avoid fire?

I didn't have to take any measures like that for the mission though. If you have no choice but to fight until all enemies are dead consider the following:

What ship are you flying? I hope you've upgraded from the Starflier by now.

If the mission is too tough maybe you shouldn't do it straight away? Just because Juni asks to meet you in the bar doesn't mean you have to accept the mission. You can decline it, go do some more missions and spend the money on more kit for your ship before returning and accepting the mission.

Also, shield batteries + nanobots = your friends.

Good luck!

Edited by - DVC on 06-03-2003 03:56:01

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:19 am

Thanks, im refering to the first stage of mission #4, right when i leave manhatten and am attacked by the liberty navy for the first time(right after Juni kills the man on the landiing pad.) I have a Defender fully loaded, ill try avoiding them, but I dont see how to clearly beat this?

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 7:53 am

Just keep on pumping the SB's and nanobots, but not too many - you are gonna need them later. King and some other rogue Liberty forces will jump in soon to lend you a hand, then it is just a matter of getting to the jump gate quickly while they engage the Navy. I only got one or two kills in that encounter before King arrived, so don't worry to much about trying to take out enemy fighters, just keep yourself alive.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:54 pm

how do you get past the navy ships after you leave juni,s mate in the lost research station i just don,t have enough shields.

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 4:30 pm

I have got past the reseach station bit and just gone through the magellan jump gate, but then get attacked by bounty hunters (lots of them) I have 0 shields left and 4 nanobots. Will I have to start the mission again. I have tried about 10 times now and it's just too hard to stay alive. Please tell me I dont have to kill all the bounty hunters!!!! ????

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 9:15 pm

I am having trouble with this mission also, but only because they don't let you RESUPPLY ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to fight off all that crap without ever resupplying? That's a bunch of CRAP.

Why can't you resupply at the research station that you dock at? That makes no sense.

And um....... who is the Final Fantasy junkie that decided it was a good idea to make you have to watch the cut scenes every single time with no way to skip them?

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