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Juni.... *spoiler*

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Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:42 am

just found out on IGN that Juni is voiced by one Jennifer Hale, someone who has quite a resume as a voiceover in video games. Everything from Metal Gear Solid 2, to Baldur's Gate, and Eternal Darkness on the GBC

check out her IMDB Credits to see the full list.

sorry if it's a repost.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:06 am

Fall-from-grace in Planescape torment... Skinner from X-file is also featured in that game...

Where's the picture?

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 2:05 pm

Now look at that: Jennifer Hale spoke Elektra in the dubbed version of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie... a movie about space freelancers.

Here's a picture of her: anyone who want's to keep up the illusion about Juni shouldn't click this!


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Edited by - Lev Arris on 08-03-2003 14:09:56

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:24 pm

do you know the biggst bug of this game?????
Junis does not marry or kiss trent!!!!!!!!!!
i finished the game last wednesday and no single kiss :-(

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:30 pm


Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 6:40 pm

Spoiler? You're joking, right? That's like saying 'You can't find the Osiris past the SP campaign' is a spoiler... sheesh.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 7:10 pm

Juni/Jennifer Hale was the voice of Fall-from-Grace from Planescape: Torment!


Thanks for sharing that link to her imdb profile!

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:52 pm

I consider it a spoiler, and would be very unhappy if I hadn't already finished the singleplayer game because throughout I kept wondering if/when they where going to get together.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:18 pm

Come on now its not a Final Fantasy storyline. But Jenifer Hale yeeshhh how many times have I killed her in mgs2. She plays Emma Emerich (Otcans half-sister). Hope I can do the same in FL .

And besdies fictional grpahic charecters are much better than the real thing. They never talk back .

I think Im dumb, maybe just happy - Kurt cobain

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