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Best SHORT Trade Routes?

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:50 pm

Here's a fairly safe one, better than quite a few I've seen here. Only 2 jumps, all within Bretonia Space:

1. Diamonds from Planet Cambridge to Planet Leeds
2. Water from Planet Leeds to LD-14
3. <Anything profitable> from LD-14 to Planet Leeds
4. Optronic equipment from Planet Leeds to Planet Cambridge

Rinse and repeat.

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:19 pm

Here are the ones I used EARLY in the game with a Rhino.

Before Jump Gates were opened:
Pharmacueticals from Ft. Bush ($111.00) to Planet Pittsburgh ($144.00), Boron from Planet Pittsburgh ($120.00) to Ft. Bush ($144.00). A full Rhino nets you about $4500.00 pr. round trip and only takes about 5 mi's!

After the Liberty gates have been opened you can do the following:
Lt. Arms from Detroit Munitions ($140.00) to Planet Denver in the Colorado System ($238.00), H-Fuel from Planet Denver ($269.00) to Detroit Munitions ($389.00). This gets you about $17,500.00 pr. trip with a full Rhino!

When you've got around $40,000.00 to spend on cargo, you can upgrade your shields and try this one:
Optronics from Planet Denver ($462.00) to Planet Houston in the Texas system ($770.00), Engine Components from Planet Houston ($600.00) back to Planet Denver ($825.00). This run makes about $39,000.00 pr. trip! However, you will be fired on when coming and going through the Texas Jump gate (hence the shield upgrade). You can home in on the trade lane and get out of there fast enough to keep from getting blown up, but you'll probably have to use some of your sheild batteries. The only times I had any real problems was when I had to wait in line to use the jump gate and got pounded constantly!

I know that there are better runs you can make, but these are good, short, runs you can do EARLY in the game to make some cash!

Post Fri Mar 07, 2003 10:47 pm

Another good one, after you get the Liberty system jump gate codes, is to use the Texas-California hidden jump hole in the California 5F/5G grid border line and Texas 4C sectors.

The only problem with this is that it exposes your armor to radiation in the Texas system (apparently one of the original Jump Gates blew up!), unless you travel through the North Dallas Debris Field through sectors 3E and 3D, then to sector 4C, to avoid the radiation belt. Also, beware of the Peqeuno Nebula (it's made up of deadly dark matter and radiation, which causes even more damage to your armor!)

This way, you can buy Engine Components from Planet Houston for 600, and sell them on Planet Los Angeles for 974 credits.

374 Credit Profit per Engine Component!

For the return trip, purchase Optical Chips in Los Angeles for 160 credits and sell them in Houston for 232 credits.

72 Credit Profit per Optical Chip!

Also, check out the Navy Willard Research Station in the Tahoe Ice Cloud, just south of the California Minor-Magellan trade lane, in sector 6D of California. There you can purchase a Class 3 Heavy Fighter Guardian Graviton Shield Generator, with shield rating of 1225. This makes life a WHOLE lot easier for a Freelancer trying to ply the trade lanes against those agressive Lane Hacker scum!

(Although I'd like to some day become a Lane Hacker myself!)

The very best thing about this run is that Lane Hackers are very infrequent, and the enemies you do run into (the Liberty Rogues) don't have Cruise Disruptors, so whenever you jump from Texas to California, all you have to do is immediately switch on your Cruise Drive, and away you go!

"Overspecialize and you breed in weakness. It's slow death." - Ghost in the Shell
[email protected]

Edited by - Systemshocked on 07-03-2003 22:54:39

Edited by - Systemshocked on 07-03-2003 22:58:03

Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 1:29 am

In Singleplayer (need to be neutral with Lane Hackers and Liberty Police):

Cardamine from Mactan base, Magellan (about 800) to Planet Manhattan, New York (about 1400).

Anything profitable on the way back (I think H-Fuels give about 200 profit per unit IIRC).

This trip is very short thanks to the Magellan-NY Jumpgate, which is disabled in Multiplayer. It's only 2 tradelanes + 20k on cruise engines each way, so it should take less than 5 minutes per trip.

I did this run about 10 times and never had any problems with police scanning me, even though I used the tradelanes.

Best of all: Mactan sells the Dromedary.

Edited by - Spirit- on 08-03-2003 01:34:57

Edited by - Spirit- on 08-03-2003 01:36:13

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