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Just upgraded to release version

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:27 pm

Just upgraded to release version

I went to Gamestop and got the released version. I gave away the PR Beta that I had been using to a friend. I did a "Reinstall" option thinking that I could save my old saved games from the PR Beta. No such luck. A "Reinstall" of the released version over the Beta wipes out your old saved games but saves your control options like video mode, no cockpit, etc. It did not overwrite the "PerfOptions.ini" file which turns God Mode on and off. Had to go in and set it back to normal so I can get a real feel for the game again.

I am currently playing through the game from the beginning and am wondering what has changed in the Released version. Clue me in if you know. A good thing is that it did not ask me to install a patch from jump street.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:35 pm

You might consider uninstalling everything, defraging, then install a fresh copy of Freelancer. I might save you some headaches down the road. Just a suggestion.

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