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Sensor Upgrades in full?

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:08 pm

Sensor Upgrades in full?

Hey all,
I was just wondering if the full version of the game has sensor upgrades you can buy that make your ship detect things a little further away from them?
Reason I'm asking is some things (like the hidden bases) are extremely hard to find. I've found almost everything at this point, but I'm going nuts trying to find Rochester base. It'd be nice if sensors were a bit more powerful. I LOVE the exploratory aspect of the game - I just wish it was a little harder to miss things. Assuming it's in the dust cloud/debris field, I must have traversed the thing more than five times without any luck yet.


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:15 pm

Just as a note, finally looked and realized the base isn't IN the dust now I have a better idea where to search. I'm still curious about the upgraded sensors though - lol.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:47 pm

Rochester's in the Northwestern Junkfield.

Sensors are constant and generally sweep a 10k radius. Use the patrol path function on the map, look for path intersections, usually there's something there, a jump hole or a base.

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