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Titan''s location?

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:22 am

Titan''s location?

Hi all,

I now have the "Hammerhead" Very Heavy Fighter, and i want the best, i saw the Titan is a lot better, but i cant seem to find it.
So if anyone could reveal me the location of this schip i would be gratefull.

Btw this game rulez!, but i hope there is gonna be a add-on.
The missions do get boring, always doing the same, shooting some ships or destroying a base and some weapon turrets.
Im rank 30 at the moment and there isn't really a challenge anymore.
Yeah 1 more, become the bad guy so i can enter enemy base.
But before i go schoot the Liberty police and make their lives living hell, i would like to have the Titan u see..

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:32 am

Maybe the reason why it's soooo boring for you is because you come to forums seeking THE EASY WAY out of things!
You only make it more boring for yourself, try exploring on your own! I guarantee it will be less boring and more rewarding in the end when you finally do find it.


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:50 am

Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma -- Corsairs
Leon Base, Omega-41 -- Corsairs

Post Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:29 am

Never mind never mind, i allready found it...
Only way to get it was ruin my reputation but... well i have fun now killing bounty hunters

I didnt mean it negative, but where is mining and exploring and stuff like that, i love this game, i just wanted it to be much bigger, is that bad?

I played 2 days now, and saw everything done everything... its a good game but it could be bigger.

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