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a bit short.... and where the heck shall I put all those lvl

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:08 am

a bit short.... and where the heck shall I put all those lvl

Well ... after finishing the game in about 24 hours and moving through the border worlds in another 3 hours , I now ask me what shall I do ?

The first CAPITAL GUN was quite a surprise , the other 4 I found were just as easy to find then ...

The Sabre and the LVL 10 SHIELD came from the drug planet , where the hispania was too....

The unknown sector was quite nice , made me equip the Sabre with the nomad weapons .... although the system seemed a bit empty to me

Now with all those guns in the hold and quite a spot of cash too .... WHERE IS THE HIDDEN SHIPYARD THAT SELLS : The 10 lvl 10 point Gunboat ??

Well ... maybe I head for another expedition for the other lost systems that were mentioned here AND if I am lucky I will lose the feeling that I was just playing a very short copy of Diablo 2

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:45 pm

Flog em.....

can only haul around guns for so long....
can only install a couple of em on yer ship at any one time
casue they chew up juice......

i got two Blue Blaze current installed and they eat up the lekky.
had to off-load all the other guns i find....

which is a shame.

off to biff up some nomads... and get them non-leeching guns....


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