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Where to buy/get Best lvl 10 missles?

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:03 am

Where to buy/get Best lvl 10 missles?

Ok, i heard the best ships, shield etc. but not missles! Anyone know where to buy the best (highest damage + highest arc + fastest) lvl 10 missle?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:07 pm

Why would you want to use a missle when LVL 10 guns aren't that hard to get?

Cons to using missles:

1) Each shot costs you credits (guns fire for free).
2) You are limited to the ammount of missles you can carry (guns have unlimitted ammo).
3) Missles are slow.
4) Missles can be avoided (countermeasures).
5) Missles can never cause as much damage per second as even the lowest gun used by a decent pilot.

Pro's to using missles:

1) You can often get ammo for free (tractor loot), but you can't count on getting what you need.
2) Errr....I'm thinking....

BTW, this does NOT apply to Torps you use to take out bases and larger ships. While you can hit fighters with a torp (especially the stuipid ones that play "chicken" with you), but it's a HUGE waste of money.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:22 pm

I use torpedoes all the time when doing that "initial approach" when you first start a battle against a group of enemies, since they're flying right towards you. I don't bother with missles though, and I don't think there's any level 10 missles. A couple of Sunslayers will mess up a group of ships like no one's business =)

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