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$200k plus missions

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:17 pm

$200k plus missions

I saw a note in this forum discussing missions that were over $200k. I ran into the bounter hunter missions (where you kill BH's for $95k to $125k). I forget the faction that I was working for but believe it was the Outcasts. I haven't made friends with the Corsairs yet and haven't landed on their bases/planets/stations. Are the Corsairs the ones that offer these hefty missions? In other words, who do you have to kill to get $200k + per mission?


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:46 pm

The highest difficulty mission for the Crosairs (Crete, Omicron Gamma) i got so far was lvl 39 (i think it was $145k). But i'll try to work for them a bit longer... as long as my reputation with the Red Hessians, Bundschuh, Outcasts & Xenos doesnt change from green to white! ;-)

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:16 pm

You can do 200k+ missions for both the factions. Lvl 40+
I have done missions for 240k for Outcasts in Omicron Alpha system.

Good Luck!

Edited by - lito on 04-03-2003 23:16:54

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:37 pm

The highest mission ive done was a level 40+ mission that was worth 250k and i got the job from the corsairs on planet crete in omicron gamma...the mission was to fight a bunch of level 19 BH's. Damn i can't believe that level 38 is the highest...lame

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:38 am

I have both fractions (Outcast & Crosairs) to the maximum into the green. I made uncounted missions from either the job-board and from the folks in the bar in both systems (Omicron Alpha & Gamma). But i didnt get higher than 39. Are you talking about SP or MP? Maybe thats the difference, i play it SP.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 12:22 pm

I got 240k job at leon base in omega-41. Just kill some hessians with my titan

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:41 pm

Maybe i'm too friendly to criminals & outlaws and the game thinks shooting bounty hunters, police & military isnt difficult enough Currently the Red Hessian, Gaians, Unioners, Bundschuh, Blood Dragons, Outcasts, Xenos, Corsairs, Lane Hackers & Liberty Rogues are all very friendly to me, i think i'll try to add the Hogosha and the Golden Chrysantemums to this list. It makes more sense to me than shooting at my terrorist-friends

Edited by - Captain Needa on 05-03-2003 14:41:38


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:55 pm

There is one mission in Malta for 235.000 difficulty 43

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:16 pm

serveral 200k missions for the bounty hunters, killed some corsairs in theta

best so far I have seen 260k, best I have done 240k, just had to kill 22 titans. easy money

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