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Please Help - Mission 9: Tekagi''s Fortress

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:23 pm

Please Help - Mission 9: Tekagi''s Fortress

Please help me - have tried this at least 30 times by now...

When I get passed the first wave of fighters and reach Tekagi's Arch - I know I´m supposed to take out the generators. I have succeded in taking out 2 (in cover) - but when I try to take the others - I´m killed directly (not even time to press Shield Battery or Nanobots)

Is there something else I should take out first?

- Im killed pretty fast when I try to attack the battleship or engage with the fighters. (even though I have the highest shield (6) and weapons I can have at this point)

Am I doing something wrong? - Or am I just not good enough ? :-)

Any hinst are welcome.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:31 pm

maybe really no good enough... i had no real problems with the few generators, just hit the thrustersm take a few shots and hide behind something. then again until you made it...

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:39 pm


But is that part of the mission over when I have taken the last generator - or should I also take out the Battleship, fighters etc. ?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:55 pm

OK - made it.

I just learned to use 'Afterburn' for the first time in this game :-)
No wonder things was so hard before.....

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:29 pm

Lol another skill learned

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:48 am

I think that's the most frustrating mission in the SP game. Hold down the strafe keys, keep tapping the afterburners, and unload everything you have at the generators. The two on the far side away from the battleship are the easiest.

Yeah, there were a couple of times I tried this mission where I was just blown up out of nowhere. My shields were full, my hull was intact, I wasn't coming under constant fire, and suddenly I just spontaneously combusted. Either it's a bug or that battleship is launching Sunslayer torps at me. O_o

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