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Titan vs. Sabre vs. Eagle

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:56 pm

Titan vs. Sabre vs. Eagle

I was wondering what top end ship that most people like to use?

I like the Eagle personally because its the most maneuverable. Armor matters less than maneuverability because your either going to get hit alot or not depending on how well you can dogfight. The turret is nice on the Sabre though.

Eagle - The more maneuverable of the three. Turns about 360 in about 5 seconds
Titan - Only turns 360 in 7 seconds or so
Sabre - Not much if it all faster than the Titan.

Eagle - 9900 good
Sabre - 900 (9%) more than the Eagle
Titan - 1800 (17%) more than the Sabre and 2700 (27%) more than the Eagle

Titan - normal of 4 class 10 guns forward, and 2 class 9 guns on the wings, turret can only fire backwards
Eagle - as the Titan
Sabre - class 10 guns are spread out with one on each wing. The two class 9 guns are in the center. Turret will fire forward under normal flight to pack in an extra 15-20% damage

Titan - the wings make the attack on a Titan easier than the other two
Sabre - decent shape, fairly compact
Sabre - bigger target but the enemy might shoot through the "holes" in the ship

Sabre - Looks high tech
Eagle - kinda like a bee from the back
Titan - ick, looks like a dinosaur in space

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:13 pm

Eagle is my fav too
packed with 2 diamondbacks, 2 guardians, sunslayer,...
Just like the looks actually

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:31 am

I haven't found an Eagle guys. Where are they located??

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:26 am

I must agree that the Eagle is best. Too bad its turret is useless though (something it shares with the Falcon). You can't use backwards only turrets and fly at the same time, and since your gauranteed dead meat if you stop flying, you can never use the turret. Wouldn't have been a problem had they had the foresight to include auto-turret fire for the fighters at least.

However, the Saber moves like it's flying in Jello so the bonus of the turret's extra forward firepower is offset by its lack of maneverability. Besides with four level 10 guns (WILD FIRE and PROMETHEUS) and two level 9s on my Eagle, anything dies within a matter of seconds anyway.

However, I like the Eagle best because of the way it looks. Reminds my of a Klingon Bird of Prey from Star Trek.

daddyo: only one place carries the Eagle, Freeport 9 in Omicron Theta. Theta can be difficult to find, you get there through a jump hole in Sigma 17 which in turn you get to through Sigma 13. Just check out the patrol paths on the map to lead you to the jump holes.

Edited by - stevedroid on 02-03-2003 02:31:32

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:30 am

Another Titan advantage is its weapon power reserves; the batteries on the Titan and Sabre seem to be about equal to their armor ratings. The battery on the Eagle seems to be about the same size as that of the Sabre. The effect is that the Titan can fire six Skyblast Bs for 7 seconds, compared to 6 seconds for the others (and 4 seconds for seven Skyblasts on the Sabre). Since all ships recharge at 10%/second, the Titan can almost sustain three Skyblasts indefinitely, whereas the others can only do two and a trickle.

So, the main advantages of the three are

Eagle - maneuverability
Titan - raw power
Sabre - turret position, less vulnerable wings

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:12 am

That pretty much sums it up. I wish my turret on my Eagle wasn't useless, but a single turret in this game isn't that much firepower anyways, I'd prefer to avoid fire rather than dish out as much as I can.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:32 am

nomad weapons = 0 nrg consumption

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:02 am

hmm, those bastards do not want to drop me some, and the only level 10 weapons I found suck somehow compared to my level 9er ^_^


Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:27 am

Well, should be obvious that between Sabre and Eagle, it's a personal taste thing. Agility or firepower. I'd personally go for Eagle even though I hate the name. As for Titan... If for nothing else, the ridiculously shape should put it right out of question. I don't care if it flies twice as fast and double the guns, I ain't flying in that ugly piece of crap. I can't believe they actually took the time to design that thing...

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