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How many missions are there?

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:22 pm

How many missions are there?

I just finished Mission 13 and back at Manhattan (receiving the medal for saving the world and all). Now is there any more to this game because I'm starting to wonder if I am stuck in a bug? My current worth is $130k or something but the next level is $44k or something. It just seems too short for a game to end so quickly...?


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 2:37 pm

The single player missions has ended but I take it you've only discovered 1/3 of the universe or something...there's lots more to see and can advance to lvl 38, do more "exciting" random missions, get new ships/weapons etc however thats for you to decide if its worth doing...other than that...nah then its over...

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:15 pm

Thanks for clearing that up!

Hmm.... That's it huh? Is there any pizazz to the side missions? Do they follow another sub-plot like for example being an Order spy that the guy offered Trent in the end? Otherwise I don't really see any excitement to take on jobs to knock off someone to gain more money to buy more ships and weapons and wash rinse repeat. I'm kinda bummed out because there is so many more levels to go and no storyline to follow anymore after only 15 hours of gameplay....

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:28 pm

No real storyline, but you can manipulate factions to have some fun...the very heavy fighters like Sabre are quite fun to fly...and there are lots of challenges in the outer some exploring maybe...go ballistic on some poor defensless faction with only a ****load of heavy fighters to defend themselves with

Oh well its up to you

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