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Dissapointed with Freelancer so far... too easy?

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:17 pm

Dissapointed with Freelancer so far... too easy?

*So far* it seems like the plot grabs you by the neck and pulls you along. There isn't any mystery or some riddle to find someone in this nebula to make it harder and instead the message bleeps on your screen *meet joe blow at this planet now*. Everything is so easy even ramming into an asteroid doesn't harm you. You know exactly where to go and what to do and when to expect a call from Juni. The side missions are boring as well in the way that you just fly out there to kill. No escort service or anything that makes it less mundane. You never die because your ship is so beefed up after upgrading. The game seems like it's made for a 10 year old. Does it seem like that to you all?

I remember playing Privateer and some missions were so hard that I had to do it over a couple times and I thought Privateer was easy. This one takes the cake so far.

Well doesn't matter gotta get back to the game to finish another lame mission to buy that missle launcher...

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:21 pm

If it's that boring why play that last mission?

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 7:41 pm

There's a difficulty setting in one of the .ini files and indirectly calling the fans and regular's here 10 year olds might not be the best way got a warm response.

I have no idea where you are in the game, but rest asured there ARE very challenging places to visit in FL. Part of the fun is finding them yourself.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:07 pm

I went to Omicron Alpha, was hanging with the Outcasts, decided to try a mission for fun. Went to go kill a bounty hunter. Killed him, got my money, and got SWARMED by 12-15 bounty hunter ships. (I died in my decked out sabre!)

Before that, the game had been a walk in the park. If you want a challenge, run to the outer rim planets and get some missions. Hard, hard stuff.


Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:13 pm

Ok I finally finished the SP missions. Had to ask for verification here first just in case I was mistaken. Sorry about offending you all about the 'indirectly calling the fans and regular's here 10 year olds' but believe me it was unintentional. Now that I finished the game (well the SP mission part of it) don't you all think that it was a bit too easy? I think I died once (or maybe I restarted because I wanted a new configuration I don't remember) but that's really unusual for a game. And where's that uber-dude or uber-mission at the end? I was very confused because I was looking for the credits to roll after the bar scene.

Now I see a lot of you mention about getting to level 35 or something but why couldn't they have incorporated that in the game? Instead they rushed missions after missions one top over another. Couldn't they have paced out the game a bit so you actually need that level 35 to use that uber-figthercraft to beat the uber-dude in that uber-mission in the end?

And as for the jobs that you can do, don't you find it a bit boring that the only jobs are to go out and whack somebody? If any of you have ever played Privateer you'd understand what I mean. There are jobs to deliver goods, to escort someone, to kill someone, time based missions, etc. There has to be a bit more variety in the game. When I visit the bar in FL I just choose the highest level job that pays the best. In Privateer if I did that I'd be signing my death warrant because those that pay well do so for a good reason. I choose to avoid some Privateer missions because they were too far away and had too many jump points (and I don't mean trade routes!) I choose to avoid escort missions because I know the person I usually escort has a high possibility rate that they won't make it. Have you noticed the escort missions in FL SP never fail and none of the escorts even look damaged when you arrive at your destination?

Now back to the part where I'm going to insult all of you to mention that this game is made for 10 year olds (and I will have to apologize in advance again). There is no part the FL missions that wasn't spoon-fed to you. For example, in the mission where you did that racing game (and that was fun ) you had to find the battleship. Why couldn't they have just let you find the ship on your own? Just say it's there somewhere and if you take too long then maybe a hint or two later wouldn't hurt. There is no mystery to the game, nothing to be solved. Everything is given to you.

And the ease of the missions.... even Full Throttle was harder than these. There was no point in the game where I thought I was going to be in trouble (wait just I remembered when I died... it was at the mission where we had to go through the mines or something... I thought they were kidding that you could actually die if you hit them). Combine that with the mission in the end that was as simple as shooting down 4 shield generators and 2 power generators? I was very confused in the end because the final mission was too easy, combine that with the Order guy offered me a job (or will so in the future) and no ending roll of the credits. Instead they spit you back at your ship and bleep a message *Find a job*.

I find all of you are going in and still doing endless jobs and trades so you can upgrade till you're the uber-dude with the uber-craft. That should have been part of the game in the first place and not something you do after.

All in all I give this game a 2 out of 5 because it was still entertaining for 14 or so hours but no where as enjoyable as I would have liked it to be.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 6:23 pm

I agree this game was way to easy. I played through the main story in 4 days, total 16 hours, and at no point did I feel that I had to get an even better ship or cursed myselfe for not leveling up more. I was level 18 when I beat the last mission, and I felt a big anticlimax, cause I hadn't even found the goodies yet, I didn't have an uber fighter or uber guns, just the Anubis fighter.
Damn, M$ for rushing this great game, they could have made a new elite, but instead they released a game with a huge but very empty universe. I hope this is because they are planing some mayor addons, including the ability to join factions!!!!
Despite all these flaws, this game is still very good, and I can't stop playing it, just traveling to other worlds is damn cool.

"In space, no one can hear you clean"

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