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problem in mission 3 ... respond to wilard .... walker lost

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:13 pm

problem in mission 3 ... respond to wilard .... walker lost

don't know what to do now . . . everytime i engage the battle on station wilard in mission 3 and destroy all the cruisers that attack the station the rogues destroy walkers ship . . . so mission failed . . . PLZ HELP ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:31 pm

I haven't played that mission for a while so i'm not totally sure of what you need to do, however i can suggest from general playing experience that u want to take out any gunboats ASAP before tangling with any other fighters as they pose much more of a threat to capital ships. (and to YOU) If there are indeed gunboats in that mission then it is important to take them out. if you could include some more info about where exactly you are in the mission when this occurs and what the current objective is that would be helpful. good luck


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:10 pm

thx for info first . . . it's mission 3 "Respond to Station Wilard" i failed all the time now . . . objective is to fly with Juni & Walker (3 navy cruisers) to the research station wilard (1 mission before i escort this alien artefact convoy to this) and protect the station . . . when i arrive there lots of rogues attacking there . . . first objective is to destroy all the gunboats & i did that . . . next objective is to destroy all enemies there but for now (tried hundred times short after i destroyed the gunboats the navy cruiser of Walker is lost, destroyed by the little rogue ones . . . havn't the time to destroy the other enemies and protect him :/ . . . somthing is wrong there with enemie/time balance !?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:01 pm

Actually, after the gun boats some bombers show up and start messing with walker. If you take out the bombers you should be okay.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:57 pm

I'm stuck in this mission too. I managed to dock with Wilard research station, but the next mission is to fly with Juni to California Minor. On the way we meet some navy ships, and after that i don't know what to do...

Can anyone help? It isn't possible to dock with other planets/traderoutes. My Log keeps saying "awaiting Mission Objective"

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:20 pm

Sorry guys, just found the topic regarding the soundproblems.

Thanks anyway

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:21 pm

Have you tried not to fight, keep power to the engines and get the hell outa there ?

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