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Whoa! Slow down there...

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:44 am

Whoa! Slow down there...

I've noticed after playing the full version tonight that the single player mission never stops, and I'm not getting much "Freelancing" in. I think I maybe got a bit far ahead, I'm level 4 I believe and just died on the mission by California Minor- the one with the trade convoy.. The thing was I was killed with in 2 seconds by what I think was a combo of 2-3 missles I had just upgraded to a new ship, so I thought I was pretty tough- guess not.

So, does it ever slow down, or do I just have to ignore them? Everything they want is urgent and stuff.. but I want to explore a bit too. One mission for example, I docked and she told me to explore for a while, she had an assignment in a different system.. when I left the station 30 seconds later she messaged me that her assignment was complete and I should meet her back on Manhatten..

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 8:02 am

next time you get asked to do the next mission, hit decline instead of accept. You can go back and get reoffered the mission when your ready to take it.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:05 pm

every couple of missions, Juni will say "I gotta go somewhere. I'll contact you when I need you again." Or something to that effect. You can do whatever you want until she contacts you. And once she does contact you, you can ignore her and still do whatever the hell you want. (Just make sure you don't enter the bar of the planet that she is at, cuz then she might say "meet me up in space" then you are forced into that mission, iirc)

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:23 pm

This system is one of my main complaints about the game. I don't have a problem with declining the missions and then "freelancing" a bit more before coming back to accept. I DO have a problem with being 5 systems away, low on money (I just bought a new ship) and being FORCED to travel to the meeting place and decline. The problem resides with the fact that until you meet and decline YOU CANNOT ACCEPT ANY OTHER MISSIONS! You can still make money trading, but if you have to HAVE money to make money as a trader and if you get caught low on cash, you can find yourself stranded, running for your life, selling off equipment to buy bats & bots, and very frustrated.

That's really my only BIG gripe about the game. Otherwise it's a dream come true for me.

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