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Easter Egg Systems?

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:12 pm

Easter Egg Systems?

Open up the DATA\initialworld.ini (it is one of the few .ini files that aren't binary). Anyway, inside you will see a list of jump gates and which ones are locked, it goes by mission and such. If you scroll down you will see:

; Easter Egg Systems - Player is allowed to go to these systems, but not NPCs
npc_locked_gate = 2259929730 ; Hi02_to_Ew06_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128701573 ; Hi01_to_Ew05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2974773122 ; Ew01_to_Li01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2942653837 ; Li04_to_Bw05_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3030328194 ; Ew04_to_Hi01_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3163920771 ; Bw05_to_Li04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 3128521351 ; Hi01_to_Ew04_hole
npc_locked_gate = 2868648589 ; Li01_to_Ew01_hole

Anyone have any insight on these? if you look at each line they have something like Hi02_to_Ew06_hole.

The Hi** & Ew** I believe are abbreviations to the different systems in the game. You will find these abbrev. littered throughout the files in the DATA directory.

Anyway, just something interesting to look at, the words "Easter Egg Systems" caught my eye :p

Edited by - BuTtUgLy on 25-02-2003 22:14:42

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:36 pm

Careful poking around in false move and the CD might self-destruct.

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