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tractor beam

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:36 pm

tractor beam

Every time I go into space and blast baddies I use the tractor beam to collect their hardware. I can tractor in goods from 3 or 4 bad guys when I will get a warning that there is a "tractor beam failure". Then I will not be able to tractor anything thing else. I get this warning whether the tractor collects goods or not. Can someone give me a clue as to what is going on here? I haven't seen any tractor beams for sale at any equipment dealer that I have been to and I have been to over 30 different bases.
Any comments welcome.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:43 pm

This happens when the items you are trying to tractor in are nanbots or shield batteries and your ship is already maxed out (each ship has thier own max of these). The tractor beam failure got me confused at first until I realized that.

I assume the same happens when your cargo spots are maxed out

Edited by - BuTtUgLy on 25-02-2003 19:44:13

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:48 pm

When you land, be sure to check all the areas of your ship...not just cargo. Go to equipment dealer too. Sometimes you'll see a very short "scroll bar" on the right of listed items. If so you've got a lot of stuff you can sell that might be taking up some cargo space like missiles, torpedos, guns, extra thrusters etc.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:12 pm

Yep, yep.

I won't add much to Stinger's comments other than the following: when you purchase a ship, your ship can only hold so much. That is where you can find the limit for nanobots and shields.

As far as I can tell, you pick up as many weapons as you want. But there is a limit to the expendable ordinance (i.e. missles, and mines) Also there is a limit to the cargo. The cargo is limited to the amount of space allowed on your ship.


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