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Engine Parts/Cambridge Jump Hole

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:38 pm

Engine Parts/Cambridge Jump Hole

Perhaps the economy system is a bit dynamic after all? On Planet Cambridge they buy engine parts for a nice sum. It says both Planet Leeds and the Stokes Mining base both sell Engine parts. After going to both those bases, no engine parts. Bug in the game? Or supply and demand?

Also, I've heard there is a jump hole in Cambridge system leading directly to Leeds, any clues on where to look?

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:27 pm

I think some of the planet info in the trade lane screens is bugged (indicates they sell items that they don't, should be listed in the buy section). Just my theory.

On the Cambridge -> Leeds jump hole, it's only available in SP and (possibly) only after you use it during one of the sotry missions. If you are playing MP, it doesn't exist (so i've been told).

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