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After playing 9 hours on the retail......

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:27 am

After playing 9 hours on the retail......

I finally came to a decision: I am very disapointed.

The first 2 hours are a lot of fun ! You discover the story, the ships, the world of FreeLancer ... but then you start to be tired of traveling within stupid trade lanes and jump gates. I'm telling you: you get sick of it !

So, I decided to make a Bounty Hunter Gild my homebase for a while, started to get some money. Took long because instead of making 7000$ like the mission said, you have 2000$ of repair to make since you had 12 ships on your ass.

Then you decide to go to another system, but it takes 10 tries since you have at least 7 guilds who are againt you now and you cant travel a full trade lane without getting stopped by ****ing enemies . You barely fight it out and then you finally arrive to the jump gate and VOILÀ ! No more... you're out because 10 other ships were there for you.

Oh yeah, I could have bought a Hammerhead on this base for 350000$ before going but I had forgotten my wallet at home...

This game is unbalanced. The thing I think is EXTREMELY STUPID is that there is two kind of shields and 2 kind of weapons. Even if you have both kind of weapons, you cannot have both kind of shields. So when you encounter 2 guilds one after the other, the chances are you are already weak and then you encouter enemies who have the weapons of choice against your current shields.

It is extremely frustrating . The universe is so vast that you can get lost easily. Of course there is a map and a list of bases, but when it comes to progressing, you have enemy ships EVERYWHERE ! You're constantly in a fight even if you take the longest route available. Because of the ****ing cruise missiles, you cant escape any fights.

Those of you who loved StarLancer (and its genre) will be very disapointed. I knew the style of FreeLancer would be different but even thought, I thoight the developer would make a better job...

Now, some of you may agree or not, even if you flame me, I don't really care. I'm telling you what I think. I had read things that are not true (that you could hire wingmen, join a guild, etc...). None of it is true. Your single all the way except when you make missions with Juni.

I don't even want to talk about MP... I tried it a couple of hours, same thing. Only you lose your characters and ship faster!

EVE Online will probably beat FreeLancer . I will try to progress further in the game and see if there is nicer things to see. May I remind you that I played the retail, no demo , no beta...

Post your comments and thoughts, I will be glad to answer any questions or comments !


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:43 am

Come on TLR-Gold server Tigerlord...I'll show you around a bit. When you rush. It's been like Xmas there recently. Every time I come back from my cargo mission with another 300K I give some out to people above Manhattan. I know how hard and frustrating it can be early in the game. This gives you a little boost and lets you pread your wings better.


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:21 am

Maybe we should rename you to be Stinger Claus??? heh heh...

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:29 am

A real life (*GASP* He said the words!) equivalent of all those "points" is this:

"I don't have enough money to buy the game, but I want to! I also don't want to get a job!"

God forbid we should get lost flying around IN THE UNIVERSE.

Stuff happens. Just play the cards you're dealt or fold. Either way, you must deal with the consequences of your actions.

I hope the plague blows over soon.....

I do what I must, when I must...

Edited by - TheOneWraith on 24-02-2003 06:33:46

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:41 am

How the hell can you get 300K that easily??


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:19 am

my question is: why does the whole world need to know of your dissolusionment with life? Why couldn't this have been kept to yourself? This is the second forum that I have seen this very same post in. I repeat: THIS IS THE SECOND FORUM THAT I HAVE SEEN THIS POST IN. Is your "enlightened" state so profound as to make even Ghandi jeolous? We're enjoying the game. Let us continue. We really don't need a downer like you in the forum. Bet you never get invited to parties do you? Go back to manufacturing your malicious code to bring down all the servers on Earth DUDE. You'll get paid by UBL shortly. Like, later and stuff hehehe

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:33 am

TigerLord...Your rep is a very carefully balanced thing. The game only seems unbalanced if you've made enough poor choices to get urself on everyone's bad side. I personally have only two hostile factions against me and neither of them are powerful really. You need to be careful who you shoot at and then maybe they'll be more careful about shooting at you. Nowadays when I get pulled out of trade lanes there's a wing of friendly fighters sitting there who then reactivate the lane (or at least it certainly seems that it comes up much faster than when it's disrupted by hostiles.) You can stop the attacks but not by shooting your way out of them.. Try killing lots of will improve your rep with EVERYONE else.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:38 am

Heck with him, if he had been smart he would have payed off someone and he would have been left alone, for the most part. Then he went head hunting with out the Ship or $$$ to back it up. He did not have a plan...

To Bad.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:18 am

Now, some of you may agree or not, even if you flame me, I don't really care. I'm telling you what I think. I had read things that are not true (that you could hire wingmen, join a guild, etc...). None of it is true. Your single all the way except when you make missions with Juni.

Now thats not really true, it was known since ages that you can´t do that.
And well, let it me formulate softly.


*grin* not cause you did not like the game, but cause you complain about the game beeing hard, lets just say I get withhin 5 hours in mp game from level 1 to about level 20, while I still giving away stuff to a friend.

If you fly with a starflyer into borderworlds, than my friend it is your own fault that you get in trouble.

Stay in noob space with your noob ship, get into the harder space once you are ready to find the combats boring. What I do.

Btw if a starlane get interruptet you can always afterburn just to the next one, should be about 5-10k away, or just wait about 30 seconds. than the interrupted tradelane should come online again. You don´t really have to fight all, you can most time run, if you can´t run, than your ships shild are simply to weak for the area.

EVE will disappoint you much much more.
Cause there once you die you lose everything.
And I tell you, I will not shred a tear after you when I destory you for your cargo

Supporter and Founder of the :p for smilies Campange

We want :p

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:03 pm

I think this is a case of someone not understanding the concept of "turf" as a VERY important aspect in this game. If you are armed with a pen knife and on foot, don't show up in a rough 'hood where everyone want's to kick your arse and are packing automatic weapons. You will die quickly.

The game has "subtle" ways of telling you "You really shouldn't be here...leave!....NOW!" Either take the hint or die alot and become a frustrated, disapointed gamer. OR you could travel/trade/work in safer areas, earn enough to get a better ship and then work on fixing your rep with your enemies in the systems you want to travel.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:34 pm


I apreciate all your smart remarks on my account ! How lovely... you know, you were not forced to read my post. If you tell me I am stupid and I suck because I took the time to wrote this, well you're a worse idiot than me since you even took the time to reply ...

As for the n00b thing, you shoudk watch what you say, since I did not attack or flame anybody. At least if I say I don't like the game, I have good reasons. You think that because you're at level 20 in MP you can call people n00b?! Not really...

All of you guys are talking about MP. I did not even mention MP. You are probably all playing the beta right now. Let me tell you that you will probably see many "I CANT DO THIS" post in the main forum. There was so many for StarLancer (and god knows that was an easy game to beat, still lot of fun) imagine for FreeLancer.

You are all talking about making money and sharing it with your friends. Thats really nice, but you dont do that in SP. You're totally on your own. Since none of you has played the retail I can only speak for myself ...

I did not experience a lot of things in MP but I couldnt find a stable server that would stay online. Any in mine?


PS. Eve online will require that you pay around 12$/year to play (just like Star Wars Galaxies) and therefore this fee will be used to maintain servers 24/7. I won't lose any characters . And anyway, I wasnt even talking about that...

I also like smilies too


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:38 am

sir might i do another suggestion pick the friendlies out of your player status look in what systems they are and go for it. example (in the demo because up here in holland (that's in the europe section) we have no retail version yet but i am so much excited i am going to buy it anyway.) i am not a particular friend with the lyb. rogues. the rogues station in and outside of pittsburg and in the surrrounding debris fields i just stay the heck out of there or Xtremely minimize my visits. another thing this game is scientifficly very much interesting because you can go and see how far you must stay away from a stars corona to not just vaporate into nothing because of the heat. see there's enough things to explore



Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:02 am

You my friend tiger lord, are an lesser skilled player. (better now? *g*)
I did play the retail, and in single player mode the stupid game is even less hard, cause the game gives you only opponents that fit to your level in the storyline.

The level 1 to level 20 in 5 hours was an example.

I can do this easy aswell in sp, no big trouble, I get no help anyway in those first 5 hours, cause my friends were bussy and joined later the fun (which was the reason I gave them half my money (which means half my level) that they advance faster (took me about 2 hours to first get the needed basic money, of about 50k credits to start my chosen trade runs I knewed from sp play)

I died in the whole sp game 3 times. 3 times in 20 hours gaming. 2 of those times where cause I was to lazy to buy shild batteries and started into the next high combat mission without them. 1 time was cause I run deep into the omega systems just with a anubis and was stupid enough to piss off about 3 dozen red hessians in stilettos. (which was btw the moment were I started to think better about the game, cause it was the first real challange, after 15 hours I was done with the story)
The last 3 missions I run even without money for repairs and I had to SELL parts of my weapons for new batteries, cause I never did a single mission more than needed for the next story mission, and I wastet a good amount of money with weapon tests still (buying weapon, trying out, selling getting the next one)
So don´t tell me I have no idea of the game.

Its a simple fact that you must be not good at playing the game (again better now *g*) if you have problems to stay alive, cause I am definatly far away from beeing a good fl player still, no wonder with just 30 hours playing now.

I made myself alots of complains about the game, but telling us it is to hard is just stupid and untrue. Heck one of my complains was the the game is far to easy.

Edited by - Apocalypse on 27-02-2003 05:03:09

Edited by - Apocalypse on 27-02-2003 05:52:23

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:30 am

Back off the personal insults please! This "bashing" is completely unwarranted. Make your points, present you opinions with some tactfulness and move on.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Moderator/Comp Tech Lancers Reactor
Creator Privateer FAQ Competition doesn't create character, it REVEALS it!

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 am

Oh please, I see ppl getting shot to pieces in multiplayer, and guess what ? I don't know why they get shot to pieces.
Multiplayer compared to the single player is extremely easy :-p
Pick easy missions (difficulty <4 ) when youre still in your light fighter.

It took me bout 1 hour to upgrade to a heavy fighter ( ~ $13000).
Without dying once.

My view on the game.. its a bit too much arcade for my taste, but hell what a good story. I will still spent many hours on this masterpiece.

One remark: Why won't I be able to fly in something bigger then a very heavy fighter or a freighter ? Some good frigate or cruiser would be neat. :-)

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