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Make lots of money in Manchester system!

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:34 am

Make lots of money in Manchester system!


Well as you know, those who have played the game normally, you become hunted by the bounty hunters!

Anyway, i was just passing by, but there were a bunch of bounty hunters chasing me, so i fought them, then i saw that their was in fact a station and storage depot!

I wish i had some torpedoes to take out the station, but i dont unless i change ship, and i dont want to waste money.

Anyway, im in a cavilier, its quite a tough battle but i think i can take out the hunters again.

Once they are cleared, shoot the depot, and loot like mad! i picked up 22 H-fuels! and made 8000 creds!

I'm gonna keep making raids on the base, normall i wouldnt be evil like this, but as they attacked me first, its their fault!

Anyone know if there will be an infinite amount of fighters from the station if i dont destroy it? or is there a way to stop it releasing more fighters? Maybe i can destroy it's dock?

Any ideas?


Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:46 am

I think there is an unlimted number of fighters

How did you get torpedoes thought?



Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 6:32 am

Just wait till you find those 400k + runs

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:00 am

I found engine parts in New Tokyo for $225 that sell at Freeport 4 for $1350. $1125 a unit profit ain't bad at all! Now I need to find something on this end of space to haul back. Anyone know where diamonds are?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:07 pm

There's a decent diamond run from Cambridge to Leeds (there's a jump hole in Cambridge straight to Leeds). I think the purchas price is around 500 and sells around 1900. ti's close to a 1500 cred/unit profit as I recall (and the run's not nearly as far as yours...even if you keep to trade lanes and go thru New London).

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:15 pm

My personal favorite run for quick leveling up is from Los Angelos to Freeport 4. Buy the engine parts for about $1,000 from LA and zoom over to FP4 and sell them for $1,500.

Since it's a REALLY short route (six minutes there and back), is very safe (only an occassional attack from Hackers), and you make $15,000 per run with a Defender it's probably the best low-level trade route IMO. Using it right now to level up a new character.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:02 pm

Actually, LA engine parts are $650 and sell at FP4 for $1350. I've done that run so often I have a marked parking space at FP4

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:33 pm

hi brothergrimm: where do you buy diamonds in cambridge for 500? in cambridge i can only buy diamonds for 800 and sell it on leeds planet for 1200..

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:07 am

ck777, i was about to post the same thing and in multi there is no jump hole to get directly there

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:48 am

I think prices vary depending on your faction with the base you buy/sell from/to.

I was wondering how some of you guys do runs to LA and the such? The liberty army/navy hate me as im playing single. Surely i will be killed if i go back?

Where is freeport 4? And how do i get to New tokyo from Leeds?


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:58 am

Liberty ships are a joke once you get a sabre

You can also use jump holes if you prefer to avoid fights

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:43 pm

When/Where can i get a sabre?

It says on the guide it costs 558,550 creds!! I have about 20k!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:09 pm

I think the prices are static and I was just wrong. I was using my aging memory when I posted that. Actually, the buy price at Cambridge is closer to 900 and the sell price is like 1275. Not nearly as great as I originally indicated (sorry for the bad info).

Also, I've learned that the Cambridge-Leeds jump hole is one-way and not available in MP or in SP before you use it in a story mission (not 100% sure of the last one).

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:03 pm

Depending on where you are in the plot liberty will not always hate you, but even if they do don't worry if you're flying a kusari ship or better, they won't cause you the least harm....also if you kill enough of them the hackers and the liberty rogues will defend you and let you land on their bases throughout liberty. Have fun

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:02 am

don't know if this should go on freelancer discussion but in the real version can you talk with the AI traffic? like when u hail them in the demo..they say there callsign and destination... anymore in the retail?? or pr-beta till march 4
Phoenix out

From this celestial bough all but one did fall into the pitiless fires of reach.
A soldier’s ignominy to have dreamt while his brothers bled. But oh, for the rest of us his shame was our salvation.

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