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Credits spoiler when using MOD

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Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:43 am

Credits spoiler when using MOD

I luv all the MODs you guys makes, but its frustrating to spend hours each time before im able to try out some of the really cool stuff you have added.

I was wondering... is it possible to alter some files to gain quick start cash so im able to buy some of the more expencive ships or do I have to spend hours completing the game each time.

I have gone through the game 3 times in a row now.
1 time vanilla
1 time playing a Star wars mod (luv the millinum falcon with class 10 guns)
1 time playing evolution (not done yet, I wanna play some of the battleships)

Now I want to try the crossfire mod. Do I need to start over?

I read something about a savegame converter. Is it possible to change between the mods?


I play the evolution singleplayer. I want to try and play the acradia mod, (the green battleship). Could I convert my evo savegame or one of the others and put the arcadia mod on?

Or should I start a new game with the arcadia mod, use a money hack and try it out there?

I mean some battleships costs like 150.000.000 credits. Thats gonna take a long long time to accumulate no matter what I do. Trade, plunder wrecks, pirate or do mission.

Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:13 pm

Perhaps you could try the save converter, but I'd just make a new savegame in OpenSP Lite or use the IONCROSS Character Editor to give myself lots of moolah to have fun with.

Both are avaliable here in the download section.

Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:36 am

To switch between mods in singleplay most likely will lead to crashes because the mods use different equipment and ships
those are stored in your savegames and this will crash the game

you can try it ... maybe you have luck... but its very unlikely

Post Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:16 am

Thanks for your answers. Diden't know there was a mod for the character. Now how cool is that lol.

Man people here are truly amasing. New ships and mods keep comming... Keep up the good work everyone.

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