my name will be Dr._Twich. I am friends with Cephas(fellow trader), Proteus(fellow trader), RensoldieR(fellow escort) and some other people that escortes me or traded with me. Ussually, you will cross my path if you're near manhatten, Denver, Gallileo System, Deshima Station, Junyo, and new Tokyo. I will only give you a few credits to start help in a tight situation, but im not very generous. Also the server starts you out with 100k. My best advice is run the
manhatten(lux. goods)<----->ainu depot(cardamine) route to get lots of money after i help you.
P.S. If I help you and you try to kill me or steal my cargo or such thing, I will have you killed so many times you will never enter the server again.
You know which server rocks?
The [5thW FL :: server. n00bs should try it out.
If you ever cross my trade path, don't be afraid to ask for a few bucks.