Baraccuda and cortez etc
Advice please, I started the game again, and am now at level 7, anyway I paid a bribe 1500 credits, and was given the location of the planet CuRaco (?) in the Cortez system, this data included the fact that I could bye a Baracudda there. Anyway at the moment I'm still in the story line and in big trouble with the Liberty Navy, OutCasts, Xenos etc, perhaps as a result I get shot to hell when I jump into the Cortez system. Anyone know someone I can bribe to placate the relevent factions Also, and this isn't really a spoiler, I made a list of the best paying caro runs - you know the one on this site: eg Pueblo > Tau 31 construction site: gate lane parts. The thing is I can' go through adjacent trade route systems with my bad rep. Is this list only useable if a player has completed all levels of the game, and is just freelancing ? Any help.....Thanks