To make the race easier.
Increase screen size (resolution). There are a couple places where at lower resolutions Hovis or the next gate are off the screen and it is hard to figure out where to go. With more stuff on the screen, it becomes much, much easier to find the next gate in those places.
Turn off all the extras (go to the performance option and tune it down to zero -- disable everything). A little ugly, but your frame rate goes up when you do that and it gets much easier to actually be where you think you are.
Hit the inside lines. That is, from where you are to the gate, go straight to the inside corner of the next turn. You turn so well you don't need any help or banking.
If you have cargo, sell it. You fly better without cargo.
Start with your finger on the tab button and then hit ShiftW.
It is possible, with a good start, to beat Hovis to the first gate and lead all the way through. You don't need to push your luck though, Hovis will bobble where the gates get just a little squirly (about half way through) and you can pass him there and keep the lead.
The AI takes all the turns wide, though it hits the accelleration perfectly.
Stick in "mouse flight" and do not use "go to" or similar modes, dont try flying formation with Hovis (the code won't take you through the gates correctly) or try other shortcuts.
The problem with the race is that there are lots of background items being rendered and handled by the game engine during the race. It is incredible to look at (if you aren't being distracted by little things, like racing), but that fills up the visual field, kilsl your frame rate and otherwise makes the race much harder.
On a fast system, with a fast video card it isn't as noticiable, but on mine, which is about 2gigaherz, 500mb ram, ATI Radeon card, I had to detune the game in order to get a framerate that made the race change from very hard to very easy. I also had to change up the screen size, so that I could see the next turns at all the turns.
Dire Wolf
[wing commander and privateer
[more stuff than you wanted to know
"kids these days"