Probably the easiest trade route
Use the two Xenos bases OURAY (COLORADO) and NOME BASE (KEPLER).
Buy LIGHT ARMS at OURAY and sell at NOME BASE for 392 profit per item.
Buy ENGINE COMPONENTS at NOME BASE and sell at OURAY for 195 profit per.
I found this by accident when I killed a bunch of easy Rogues to try to get into Liberty's good graces. By doing that, I inadvertently made all factions in these two systems neutral or friendly except for the HACKERS. However, the hackers almost never show up in the trade route between these two bases. Be sure to use the hidden JumpHole to get from Colorado to Kepler and back. It is located just south of NOME BASE (about 3.5k) and left of BATTLESHIP RIO GRAND and behind the planet (about 25k?). This trade route without using the trade lanes is 10 minutes or less one way.. and you will probably not get fired upon or bothered if your neutralities are ok. I used the cargo freighter that has 175 cargo spaces and I make about $100,000 per round trip. The best part is while the auto pilot is on from OURAY to the COLORADO-->KEPLER jumphole I got 5-6 minutes that I can ignore the game.